Sunday, April 18, 2010

Junkin' TV stand for So You Think - wk 8

I've always wanted to make a coffee table out of an old wood palette.

However when our big screen TV died and I brought in our little flat screen from the travel trailer, I knew we needed a new stand for it.

I had this wood palette sitting in my garage I found only a few short weeks ago just begging for the right treatment. And it was the perfect size for what was needed.  So thanks to So You Think - Junk Edition, the build began!

~ The Build ~

First, I had to create a place for the components to sit on. I used all old palette wood I had sitting around  and filled in the gaps, enclosing the 'box'. I also predrilled most holes so the wood wouldn't split. I'm good at splitting wood. Like in the top right pic. :)

The wood was pretty rough, so sanding it like crazy with a palm sander was a must!

Do you like my workshop? I loooove working outside!

And then absolute panic set in. I had no idea how to build LEGS. I am not a builder! I grabbed every single piece of scrap wood I had and paced. And worried. And propped. And failed. And then snapped this mayhem kind of picture to try and forget my crazed mind frame.

Dear real woodworkers: this is the time to stop reading. Skip WAAAY down to the reveal. Thank-you. :)

And then when I found two chunks of wood nailed together (top left pic), the light bulb came on!  I cut legs, attaching them to a board on their own, THEN screwed the leg/board combo onto the bottom of the palette.

Like so. Well I'll be... it worked! I'm now a builder. :)

And then I funked up the side and back supports with three different treatments on the legs. :) Funkalicious!

 We aren't done yet! There's something special about this particular palette. The top is actually sunken in, allowing for...

~ The Reveal ~

... a display case out of the top! I already had a piece of glass in my storage stash that fit PERFECTLY.

The weight of the TV is supported by pieces of 2x4's placed underneath the glass. Sneaky, eh?

The leg height was designed so the authentic crates underneath could be used for movie storage bins.

How fun is that display case anyway?!? To be able to theme it on a whim makes me giddy. :)

And there she is! The old palette TV stand.

I decided to leave the wood in it's natural state.  I love the different hues and textures as is. Very crate-ish. :)

And the two openings under the top? They were the perfect size for the TVand DVD components. Amazing.

Right side.

Left side.

My $0.00 cost unique little TV stand is right cozy in it's new home. :)

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