Sunday, April 25, 2010

Blog Parade of Homes~

Happy Monday everybody! Today, I'm really excited to be partipating in a Bloggy Parade of Homes sponsored by Poppies at Play!

If you've never been to the Shabby Nest...WELCOME! I'm Wendy...a busy mother of four who loves all things home! I aim to make my spaces beautiful and livable and to create those spaces without breaking the bank. I hope you enjoy this little tour of my home, and if you like what you see, I hope you'll stick around!! I always love to meet new bloggy friends!

For those of you who are regular readers of the Shabby Nest, the first three rooms I'm going to share will probably look quite familiar...but, at the end of the post, I've included a sneak peak at our in-process living room that I hope will pique your interest in what is to come for that room!

Boys' Sock Monkey Bedroom

First up, my boys' sock monkey bedroom. I used my collection of vintage sock monkeys as the inspiration for this room's color scheme, and I just love the result. To read more about the process I used to create this room go here.

The Princess' Vintage Cottage Bedroom

Next up, the Princess' bedroom. For the centerpiece of the Princess' room, I used a beautiful old wrought iron bed that I inherited from my sister-in-law. You can read more about the Princess' room here.

White and Gray Master Bedroom Retreat

Ah, my master bedroom. I can honestly say that this is the first time in my married life that I have LOVED my master bedroom. The gray and white palette, the luxurious bedding, the custom headboard. All of it. It is really a retreat!!

You can read more about it here.

A Sneak Peak at our In-Progress Living Room

And here is the sneak peak of our living room that I promised you! It's starting to really take shape and I'm excited!! I put a fresh white slipcover on the sofa and sewed up some pretty throw pillows in a chocolate brown and cream trellis pattern.

We painted the buffet white (which I l0ve!) but are still looking to switch out the accessories and add a colorful lamp. The console under the large charcoal print (by my father-in-law) is still waiting it's coat of paint. I'm currently debating between a dark taupe - a color found in the area rug - or an olive'll have to stay tuned to see which color wins out. The lamp on the console also needs replacing...

Do I spy painter's dropcloth drapes? Why yes!! They're perfect in the space!!

Here's a view of the opposite side of the room. We're hoping to replace the mismatched chairs and add a coffee table. The large black mirror over the mantel is going to receive a fresh coat of cream colored paint so that it matches the trumeau mirror propped in front of it. I'd also love to paper the back of the back of the built-in bookcase to lighten up the color a bit. Because we are renting, we can't paint out the bookshelves nor can we do anything about the discolored stone on the fireplace or the "lovely" brass fireplace grate, so the best I can do is camouflage them. Exactly how I'm going to do that remains to be seen!

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of my home! To continue on with the Parade of homes, click the #2 below!

If you weren't able to tune in for my FaveCraftsRadio interview last night, you can click here to listen to an archived version of the broadcast.

Have a great day~

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