Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is a decorator's house EVER done?

I remember THIS day.

 Me - "Wow, I love this! This is great!!"

Voice a day later - "Huh..."

Me - "What.."

Voice - "Well, THAT."

Me - "I just finished it. It's fine. Just FINE. I love it. I'm moving on. NEXT. Ya know?"

Voice - "Ok, well, whatever."

Me - "what. NOW?!?"

Voice - "I'm bored with it already. It's... eh."

This is where I groan, smack myself in the head, and glare at the clock, full knowing we're now ordering out to eat, NOT buying badly needed groceries and I'm getting to bed VERY late... and I pull it all apart. And tinker. Again.

Perhaps it's just the iffy decor projects that I know deep down inside I don't adore that I rehash this way. But I admit, some of the things I've really fallen in love with I've changed.

For example... I really loved THIS. The clouds parted and the angels sang when I came up with it. Eclectic chair mayhem. Metal clad siding in the back of the armoire even! And it even had curtain type girly touches this time. I thought I nailed it.

And then my favorite chair broke, which in turn broke the spell.

So then I had to mess with it. I wanted a bigger table. Ok, duly noted. My needs changed. I needed space for two computers and we were squished with the round table. And I admit, white this new way was productive, new other things bothered me about it. So, more change. And on it goes.

I'd kind of like to be done with the house at some point. Or at least, some projects, so I can finish others. But it feels as if I keep redoing the rooms I live in all the time because I quite simply see them the most.

But I will admit, the more I create, the more things I learn. So perhaps this is my own personal drawing board for where I currently am in life. I'm still experimenting and figuring out stuff so I learn what does work vs. what doesn't.

 And why does it matter again? I can't even answer that! I just know, there's something there I can't walk away from. I have to get it, feel it, and love it, and know without a doubt, it's there to stay because it's JUST. RIGHT.

I envy those that can walk away from a room as is. I've seen it with my own eyes. After they clean, they physically walk out of the house and do yard work or go shopping or (gasp) spend pure quality time with their family. They don't fuss and move and tinker and have the need to (double gasp) do a photo shoot and blog about it. :)

I am one of those that always has a project on the go. At any given moment, if someone walks through my door, some area is always in chaos. You get one corner looking great but then I've torn another one apart and get interrupted and it has to sit. My neighbor recently said with a knowing smile, "It's so NOT unusual to see a palette laying on your sofa." And she is dead right. :)

 And I never fret about it until someone DOES walk in my door. Only then do I see the pattern of destruction I've left in my quake. But when in the middle of my revamping, I only have one goal. The end result. And never see what I've done outside the box until THAT THING is done.

Don't you find it kind of humorous that in order to make one corner of your room sing, you have to destroy the entire rest of the house in order to get there?!? Well, I do anyway.

But there's just something special about loving your surroundings and filling it with your own creativity. It's a passion that is hard to explain. We just do it because it fills us with our love for all things... what? What is it? Who are we and what has someone done with our free time?!?

Oh. Another thing. I can think a room is complete, but if I find that 'new thing', it can wreak absolute havoc. I'll redo an entire room because of one inspiring object. Luckily, I'm content with just moving stuff around rather than ripping down walls, eh? :)

So... is the above done? Today I think yes. Tomorrow, I have NO idea. :P

I miss camping. That was one thing that took me away from it all. I may have to reconsider going after all even for a short burst. But then... I'd just decorate my campsite anyway.

So... what's your take on all this? Are you a re-doer or can you let sleeping dogs lie and (triple gasp!) just walk away from the re tinkering?

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