Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Do you have someone in your life who makes you feel lighter? carefree? bouyant? I'm lucky enough to have someone like that.

My sister.

Amazing that sometimes we are lucky enough to be given a best grow up with have that person be a part of our lives through birth and by choice.

That's my sister and me...

When we're together, we act a little younger...laugh a little more...cry sometimes...she is someone who really understands me...who understands the inner-workings of my brain...and loves me despite it all. She understands me in a different way even than the hubby does (and he knows me better than I know myself)...because she and I are very much the same twins...with a few years between us.

I can never express my thanks enough for the gift God has given me in her.

But I'll never stop trying.

(Our matching bracelets from
DownEast one get one free...just thought you'd like to know.)

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