Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Creating your Workshop Part 2 - Purging.. with a music video

Welcome to Part 2 of the Workshop Series brought to you by

 Funky Junk Interiors and Mustard Seed Creations!

 Today Miss Mustard Seed is leading Part 2 of her decorative painting seminar. She's going to guide you through a few brush strokes to give you a chance to try out your new brushes! You did get your brushes, yes? Awesome. :)
First, let's get started with Funky Junk's series,

Creating your own Workshop - Part 2: Purging

Remember yesterday when I said I had something special for you?
Here you go. From me to you. :)

OK. We've had our fun. :) Are ya ready to get serious now?
Recap and direct links:

Entire series to date  HERE
2. Purge
3. Determine your needs.
4. Search for inspiration and ideas
5. Develop your plan
6. Go shopping
7. Install

Everyone? Meet your new best friend for this week.

The Lecture Part

Are you an A or B personality?

a) When in doubt, I throw it out.
b) When in doubt, I keep it. I might need this someday.

Hmmm... which one are you here?

a) Ask, “What would be the worst-case outcome if I threw this item out by mistake?”
If the answer is little or nothing, throw it out.

b) Ask, “What would be the best-case outcome if I kept this item?”
If the answer seems moderately good, keep it.

You're catching on, aren't you? One more.

a) Could someone else benefit from this item more than I would?
b) Could I possibly benefit from keeping this item?

It's pretty obvious that if you're a type A, you're alot more likely going to get rid of unwanted clutter. Looks as if our clutter habits have alot to do with our mindset.

What causes clutter?

*Organized people have a system. When they know a given item won't serve them well, they already know what to do with it. It's natural for them. They are disciplined and they stick with the plan.
Disorganized people have few or no systems, so they must make every decision on a case by case basis. Eventually this becomes overwhelming, and clutter begins to pile up. (I had no idea I did that to myself! I love research...)

*It takes far more time to be disorganized than it does to be organized because disorganized people lose so much time to inefficiency.

*Research tips from Steve Pavlina - ever read his stuff? He's amazing.

The solution?

Figure out what patterns there are to your clutter and create simple systems to deal with it is a start. However, I doubt I can single handedly cure everyone today. There's a whole mess of google searches that you can tap deep within if you feel you have a real issue with it.

However, for now let's focus on reclaiming your workshop space again so we can get back to the business of paint and sawdust. I am missing it!

How to purge
I won't lie. Purging is difficult. It requires mental strength and time to relinquish. But once you get going, it'll be hard to stop.

1. Make the time and time it well.

You can organize a shelf in 1 hour. You can clean out a cupboard in perhaps 3. However to gut entire contents from a room can definitely take an entire weekend or longer. Chances are, you'll need the great outdoors to help you for temporary storage while you gut, so it's important to time your purge with cooperating weather patterns if you plan to do it right the first time. Can't wait? A few large tarps and a spare patio will help you for now.

2. Gut, not shuffle.

It's pretty difficult standing in the middle of piles of rubble, attempting to sort. The best way to clean and organize, is to GUT your headquarters. And by that I mean, right to the 4 corners, dumping everything in sight.
Yes, it takes time. But I honestly guarantee you, once you get momentum going, you're going to feel so good seeing things go back neatly! It's very addicting! But the full effect comes into play only when you GUT. If you SHUFFLE, you'll get overwhelmed and be inclined to give up.

Another bonus comes when you gut. You will put LESS back into your workspace. When you shuffle, you tend to make what you have work. However, when you gut, you can see the clean slate and you'll be more inclined to better orchestrate what goes back so you don't lose that magical space you've just reclaimed.

3. Make piles:

Thrift store
Give away
The dump


4. Take pictures of items for sale. NOW.

What better time to click a few pictures of your for sale items than when they're right outside in perfect lighting? Choose a nice spot for your item with a clear background, and click away.  Take the pictures now and you won't have to revisit this step.

5. Think PURGE, not keep.

Remember the mindset thing? Restate your goal to yourself when you find you're starting to horde again.

When I go through my closet to purge, I go through the works at least 5 times. I do it once, then walk out of the room for a reset, then start over. And over. And over. Why? Because as time goes on, I tire of the task and the growing mound and want it gone.  But, a good result NEVER happens on the first time around. It takes some getting use to when you let something go you've had for a long time. So know it for what it is, and do this until you're 100% sure, you WILL use that thing again within 6 months to a year if it's in the KEEP file. All else? Let it go.
Tip: Put it in your way.

Once your stuff is bagged, put the bags IN YOUR WAY. Anything that needs to be driven away, store them in your vehicle. In your way.

In your way = you can see it and you are forced to rethink it again and again. It will be ugly and wear on you, helping to motivate you into action. That garbage bag is your giant plastic post it note to DEAL with it.

"Dresser or tool storage? I think I'll keep!"

6. Think storage before ditching.

You'll need new storage solutions, so think outside of the box before you let a storage item go. You will require storage with drawers, doors, hooks and work surfaces. And no where is it written you must have the kind of storage professional auto mechanics have. This is YOUR work space and you get to cater it to your personal needs.

Me - "Hey Miss Mustard Seed, are you busy planning a big purge of your own? Your thoughts so far?"

MMS - "I am sort of a type "a" and type "b" combined. Is that possible? I like to be organized, but I like to keep stuff, too... except when I don't. I'll get in a purge-happy mood where I'm ready to sell everything in the house. Later, I regret a few things I got rid of! So, it depends on the mood I'm in and what kind of stuff I'm sorting through."

"We are in the process of purging and cleaning out our basement workshop to make room for our new tools and a proper spray room. All of these tips are so great! I especially like the "gut" vs. "shuffle" rule. I think you're much more effective when you gut, so great advice."

~ This week's homework ~

Just. Purge. It.

Take this list with you when you start.
1. Make the time.
2. Gut, not shuffle.
3. Create piles.
4. Take pictures of the objects for sale
5. Purge, not keep.
6. Think storage

Your turn!

So, what's your plan of action? Who's actually going to DO this?

I am personally setting aside Friday and Saturday to gut my garage AND basement. I am so tired of tripping rather than enjoying the space. It is TIME. Are you with me?!?

I've had a couple requests to put up a MckLinky so you can show off your progress as we go. I had planned to do this only at the end of this series, however, if you too would like to document your progress, let's give it a whirl! If this helps motivate others, I'm in and I'll join you! The link trend will continue weekly if there's enough interest. The purge link will be active until next Wed, and then we'll move on.

If you link up,  please link back to the series via text or button so you can entice others to get motivated and join in. And check back periodically so we can help support each other in this. We are an official Club now, right?

~ Next week ~

Determining what you need
Storage ideas

High five! Let's get to work!

After your comments, head on over to Mustard Seed Creations and you too, will be an artist shortly. :)

Funky Junk's Workshop Series

Grab it while it's hot. :)

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