Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Workshop Series - 5 must have power tools

Welcome to the Workshop Series, brought to you by

Funky Junk's Workshop Series

Funky Junk Interiors and Mustard Seed Creations!

Miss Mustard Seed will be bringing you a new edition after her Luckette's gig. She's going to be talking about her biz and how she runs it from home, so stay tuned for that very cool series! 

And I haven't forgotten about the onging photo series. I'll get back to it very soon. Promise!

For today, let's talk power tools!

~ 5 Must-have Power Tools ~

If you are a DIYer and not yet using power tools, you are SOOOO missing out.

Before I had any working knowledge of these scary buzzy things, I was soooo frustrated. I'd have these visions in my head but couldn't implement a thing because I didn't have the tools nor the knowledge.

Those days are slowly changing as my own tool stock and knowledge grows.
I'm going to show you my 5 must have power tools I could never do without ever ever again.

Palm Sander
Scary factor - 0/5 - just dusty

Used for - sanding rough surfaces

You totally need a palm sander if you work with any kind of wood projects. If you're still using those sanding sponges (well, I use them too but for small stuff), you need this guy. It truly does the work for you. Some come with fancy bags attached  but I just use mine outside if possible and all is well. I tend to have poor luck with the velcro type (sandpaper keeps coming off) but better luck with this latch it on type.

Compound Miter Saw
Scary factor - 3/5 - they're LOUD. But pretty safe.

Used for - straight cuts on thin boards, and miter cuts for moldings

A compound miter saw is your best friend. It cuts wood like a knife does through butter. The cuts are perfect each and every time.  I never put my miter saw away.  

If I were to ever buy another one of these, I'd get the one where they slide towards you more so you can cut larger pieces of wood. Without a doubt. Because I want it ALL. :) If a compound miter saw comes that way that is.

Cordless drills
Scary factor - 0/5. These are FUN!

Used for - predrilling holes in metal or wood, screwing in stuff, making bigger round holes, etc etc.

Oh my word, I could not breathe one day without my cordless drill. I personally love the Makita brand as it's a power house with the lithium batteries that last a long time. The big bonus is this unit is light enough for women to handle. Trust me, that's a big deal if you are a woman.

If you buy this thing in a set, it's MUCH cheaper. My set came with two drills as well as two batteries. Always have two batteries!  Oh oh! And this one has a little LED light that comes on when you use it too. 

I also like all the doodads in the matching case. But they are not the best of quality. Most of the bits in mine are terribly stripped, but we renovated my house HARD for a good 2 years or so, so I'm due to toss this one and buy new.

Nail Gun
Scary factor - 3/5 at first, but now, 1/5.

Used for - carefree nailing for molding, and thinner boards.

My newest discovered toy (I've had it for awhile) is the nail gun, in the picture above, located at the bottom left. Ptchoo! Ptchoo! Yes, it's that easy to nail in stuff. LOVE it, but you need an air compressor to run it. Go ahead. Ask Santa/Hubby for this little combo and I'm most certain you'll get it if Santa/Hubby can use it too. (wink!)

Scary factor - 1/5, but raises to 3/5 if you have a dull or bent blade or flimsy surface.
I just turn mine off and rethink it. :) 

Used for - freehand cutting wood

The jigsaw is a finicky thing if you don't hold it just so, and as cuts are freehand, so are your not-so-straight-lines, so curve them on purpose like the above photo and you're good to go!

Useful but scary tools are:

- Tablesaw. But I'm scared to use mine so there it sits. I want one that mounts onto the wall. I can't remember what they're called, but they appear to be so much safer to use. Used for cutting nice straight lines in long boards. 

- Circular saws are good for cutting bigger longer stuff, but I'm scared to use this one too. They can really kick back on you. So rude! I generally have someone in the know around me when I use mine.

- Grinders scare me too and are pretty dangerous if not used with caution, but man, can they cut metal!

- Chop Saw - I don't have this and they totally scare the crap outta me, but I like to use my friend Dan's under his supervision. These cut big chunks of metal, making fireworks of sparks.

Don't forget to tie long hair back, wear safety glasses, long tight fitting sleeves and hearing protection with the more dangerous tools as well!

Me ~ "Yo, Miss Mustard Seed! It's been awhile! Do tell, what are your fav power tools you use yourself and on your wish list?"

MMS ~ “Well, you hit the nail on the head.  My top five power tools are exactly the same as yours.  I am blessed to have a great hubby who likes woodworking, so we also own a table saw, band saw, circular saw, planer, jointer, a drill press and a few other things.  We would like to add a panel saw and a dust collection system down the road, but we have a great set-up.  I talk about power tools without commenting on my paint sprayer.  That is obviously the power tool I use the most, but it’s not cost effective or necessary for an average DIYer.”

Let's talk tools! Love power tools? Scared of them? What do you use most? What's on your wish list? Are you interested in learning how to use any of the above?

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