Sunday, May 23, 2010

FJI may end soon... so let's talk computers, quick! Poll added.

Welcome to the major headquarters of  Funky Junk Interiors!

Behind the scenes, this blog is a major congomerate, reaching all major cities. Networked to millions of databases for those searching for all things funk, this is the place that it aaaaaall happens. 

Come on in, won't you?

Yes indeed, to keep things humming along, this impressive executive office is run with 3 computer stations to keep up.  FJI delivers high end in your face funk at a rate that quickens the 'ol ticker!


Ok. I cannot tell a lie. The above 3 workstations above have the most pathetic reason attached. Ever. Award winning pathetic even. Ready?

I can't get even one of these dang computers to work right, so I need up to 3 to make a decent post! Feel better now?

I have a love/hate relationship with computers. When my son was born, I focused on raising him and downsizing my sign biz. And didn't keep reinvesting into the biz. And if you don't upgrade your computers on a reg basis, well...

Sadly, my heirloom white dinosaur computer stations in my work area will not allow me to blog. So I started with laptop #1 on the left, my very first ever hand me down.

When that went down like burnt toast, in came hand me down #2 in the knick of time! 

But all things must come to an end do they not? The screen is too dark to work on, leaving me with NO idea what my photos looked like to the rest of the world. The screen's too small for my aging eyes. It's running out of hardrive space. It's getting slower. It's starting to chug. In panic driven mode, enter hand me down #3.

But #3 was only a tower. With no monitor. So I bit my bottom lip and head for a place that sold monitors.


Well let me tell you, it was like 5 Christmas morns when this baby came home a couple days ago!  23.5"! Bright! Cheerful! And guess what. After working on it for 6 hours, I found out I can't get it to it's full potential because the harddrive isn't new enough for it.


(bad mood bad mood bad mood) Where was I? Right!

So I started whining online to a few places to gain some empathy for my dismal plight.

Just so happens that my buddy Dan had just written this article on a related topic. He's been bugging me forever about how wonderful his Mac is. And I've silently (not very silently actually) ignored him, despite his best intentions on selling me to the 'dark' side.

Sorry Dan, I'd love to throw in your blog button, but it's on the 'other computer.' (What. EVER!!!)

As if that wasn't enough, Dan gave me a call after one of my online cry fests. No sympathy folks. None. Just a sales pitch. To the max. Same 'ol.

"Get a Mac!"





... x this by about 100. We act like adults after all.

Allow me to back up just a tad. I'm not computer guru material. Aren't you amazed? I know how to turn it on, off and unplug it. And apparently build a kinda sorda blog. But tech stuff, it's not ME. And when you don't troubleshoot well and you live in the boonies, you need something that actually works. 

Basically, Dan's story went something like this. The PC industry is tremendously huge. Because it's so vast, it's difficult to regulate what works with what. Yes indeed I could go ahead and get a new PC, BUT what will happen eventually? I already know the answer because I will download and experiment.

Macs have limitations for good reason. You can only do so much, so they tend to maintain their streamline quality.

Ok, that part sorda made sense. Did I just say that out loud?!? Shhhh!!! I cannot admit I'm thinking about it!

So, I spin over to Dan's office to view my blog on his teeny weeny litto (not really) Mac. And my head bangs down on the keyboard. (I hope I broke it!) Amazing quality. Better than my NEW monitor. I cannot be undersold! This will NOT do. This is a high quality operation here. Dan cannot beat the likes of ME. NO!

(I have an iPhone and he doesn't. Just putting that out there..)

So I go home and sleep on it. And then comes today for a Sunday night post to be fresh and ready for Monday morning. Cuz that's what I like to do. Because. And what happens?!?

Can you GUESS which computer I had to download my pics on? HELLO?!?!? What was the point of that amazing monitor again?

I'm razzed. And undecided. Go PC so it talks to my universe in my work stations too? (maybe not.. win 98 you know)  Or go Mac and rewrite the book on all things familiar?

So my dear friends, let's talk computers. What's under your hood? Laptop? Computer? Monitor size? Happy with it or sadly miserable like me? I'd LOVE to hear the pros and cons of whatever you've got to deliver. Because at this point, I'm going to close my mouth and listen.

Ah yes. I forgot to mention. To add insult to injury, I got an autographed copy of that mag artical that says... 

Ha! Like HE can predict what I'm gonna do! Riiiight....

Unless you all say you love your M_ _ of course. I can't even say the word. He can't be right! He just can't! Can he? 

I might have to move if he's right. Just so you know. Or.. hmmm... perhaps he'd better be afraid... VERY afraid if I do get a Mac.... I mean.. a real computer plus a real camera one day plus a super real video camera too???

Look. Out. Mr.

So, whatcha got?

*Edited to add:*

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