Friday, October 16, 2009

Decorating With Children's Art

O at Home, Winter 2007
(Click on the above 'O at Home' to read more)

I love decorating with children's art, it is a wonderful way to bring a light hearted quality to a room. Below the artwork is framed in multiple frames, creating a feature wall.

Here I hung eight frames purchased at an Aaron Brothers buy one, get the second one for a penny sale. The cost for these frames was just $40! Once home I browsed through a stack of artwork that had been saved and placed my favorites in the frames. Fast, easy and inexpensive with a delightful result.

My favorite in this grouping are the paper dolls...I especially love framing shapes the kids have cut out and colored. During a visit my mother in law helped Isabella cut these dolls, followed by Isabella drawing these quirky characters on each one. When I saw these figures laid out on the table I knew they were just too special to be stored away in a file. Instead I layered them within the frame and was completely smitten with the result.

So much so that the people at Oprah's... (sadly now defunct)... 'O at Home' took notice. That is a whole other story that would require more time than I have at the moment to write about! But someday, I promise.

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