Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A View That Makes Me Happy

Each morning I start my day in the kitchen, catching up on a bit of work, sipping a hot cup of coffee. Once spring hit and the tree in front of our house turned all fabulously green, I was taken by surprised at how happy I felt seeing this view each morning!

Perhaps it has to do with the fact my Chicago apartment, that I lived in for nearly 10 years, was a garden apartment. (Okay, that is too fancy of a description, it was in the basement for goodness sake!) One of my biggest dreams was to someday have a place to live where I could look out and see the sky, and a tree included in the view would be a huge bonus.

Dreams do come true! And sometimes it is the most simple of dreams that can make us the happiest.

I simply love my view down the length of the house, to the green of this tree.

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