Tuesday, June 14, 2011

On selling our projects and talents


Gee... you'd think if you had something for sale, that you'd be happy to sell it, yes?

My sweet blog friend BJ from Sweet Nothings sent me this magazine with one of my movie stars in it.

 I just received the magazine so it's still extreme novelty to see my memory table in actual print! 

BJ loved the table so much she went and made one herself!

Isn't it awesome?
My table had since gone to our local restaurant, the Vedder Mountain Grille where I am displaying some items for sale.

And then I got the email.

"Hey Donna, your table sold on Sunday!  I'm happy and sad. 
Thanks again for all your beautiful things!"

I smiled, but I also had a lump in my throat. I could never bring my movie star home again.


 I also brought in my GROCERY sign. In which owner Laurie deemed she didn't want to see it gone EVER so she bought it herself!


And remember the mattress spring bb project?

The little bb with the #5 also sold there too.

Believe me when I say, I didn't have much on display at the restaurant. But it appears my handmade items are moving. And that is very encouraging!


So I'm gonna be a big girl and bring some more of my favs over. And with any luck, they will also sell.

I also promised to show you some decorating I'll be doing at the restaurant, so I'll work on a few photo shoots this time as we go along too.

One of my other dreams is to land writing assignments that love tutorials such as these projects offer. Because there's going to be alot more coming! So if you're hiring, sign me up! :)
Fear to succeed sure can get in the way. Here's to showing fraidy cats like myself how to chuck fear to the side and do what you love for a living already.

I mean, isn't it about time?!?

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