Monday, January 24, 2011

The dresser with an identity crisis

So, I was trying to get all fancy, MMS style, and decorate a little dresser I had. It was pretty beat up and it had hand painted numbers on it as a workshop demo long ago. Ignoring the numbers, I was trying to come up with a new design for it.

Warning: these are not beautiful photos. When implementing a new design, I always take a picture of it to see what it looks like on camera. It helps keep me objective because then I can see what YOU see, not what I see.

I desired to hand paint a branch on the dresser so I used the real deal for inspiration. Hmmm.... maybe....

My, I was proud! This was going to fly as high as a kite!

Until I painted it. GROSS! FAIL. Now what?

Those numbers had to go. They were confusing me. So I taped paper over them and tried just the real branches instead. Nature never goes wrong, correct? Hmmm... not too bad, but I think I need to paint the dresser first to really see.

There we go! Let's try that again...

Eh... may be too branchy busy. I need to walk away for abit and see it with fresh eyes.

I walk away, come back and hate it. Too branchy busy, like they'll stab me while I flick the channel or something.

Maybe just keep it much simpler...

Walked away, came back, FAIL.

I'm wanting to give up right about now... but NEW brainstorm approaches! 

Branches with button flowers! Ya know, I really liked this.

Until I woke up the next day and didn't like it.

One more try and then this thing is heading for the burn pile. Stencils perhaps?!?

I obviously have my story mixed up somewhere because the dresser is beat up again. Whatever. You get the idea.

So what DID happen to the dresser you ask? Did it go back to fresh white waiting for another day, or did I finally come up with something that could work?

 You'll see soon in the Copy Me! Challenge we're about to post soon. MMS is nearly at 4000 so I hope you're ready!

However, the entire point of this post is, my first draft of most of anything rarely works. Especially when trying something new. So never feel bad or deflated if you feel a FAIL even the first few runs. I learned alot through trial and error!

Such as, don't try and be MMS. Welcome home, palette TV stand. :)

Do you allow failures to bring you down?
What's your biggest blunder to date? 
How did you overcome it?

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