Monday, January 17, 2011

A cutie-pie tray you can make in seconds.

I did a little crafting over the weekend and thought I'd share a cute way I created a tray.

Tadaaa! Done!

Kidding. This is a real tray, and that just won't do. :) But I'm lovin' those handles, so off they came.

Go find yourself a cute little cabinet door that really still belongs on the cabinet, but.. oh well. I'm low in junk stock. :)

Now comes a mini lesson in predrilling. See that tiny little drill?

Why predrill?

 We're going to predrill some holes so the screws goes in easier. It isn't always necessary, however if you do, it makes the job easier so your screws don't go ice skating across a tough surface. You also reduce the possibility of splitting the wood. And on a prepainted piece, it's just neater. I predrill most everything I use for screws these days. Just make sure your drill is abit thinner than the screw.

First, mark where you desire the screw to land.

Ruin drill into the door at your desired location. My wonderful assistant is helping me so I can take nice pictures with TWO hands for a change.

Nice and easy!

Like the rust on that drill bit? That's the amazing patina achieved if you leave all your tools in the rain for a week by accident. I know!!!!  But the new and improved finish makes it tough for them to slip into the drill,  so don't do that even though it's ultra cool looking.

All done! But first...

A quick test run by one of our two Catzilla testers. This one passed with flying colours. xo Now shoo!

Do you always think your cats look like monsters on your projects too? No? Ok, nevermind.

Remember ugly office #1? That desk got moved temporarily into ugly office #2. And here we are acraftin' before much of anything got done. This was just more fun. :) More on this office soon!

I don't know... maybe I should wait and show you what I did later with the tray... Ahhh!! So hard to keep a secret when you have a nice picture on file, ya know?

Ok, well, this isn't in it's final home so I guess it's ok. Those are just loose sheet music sheets on top that could easily be Mod Podged down.

And there you end up with a cute tray with abit more character than one ready made! And the sky's the limit. Go find yourself one amazing chippy door and some funky handles and have some fun.

But this door isn't chippy, because I'm turning over a new leaf here!

Well, just for the short while. Is this something MMS would do maybe? Hmm... :)

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