Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Are you a beach goer, or wave rider this summer?

This summer we didn't do much camping. We stayed home alot.

What tends to happen when you stay home alot is, you look at your stuff. And you're enticed to pick things up and work on them. Or work more for a living. Or... whatever. At least that's what happens to me.

Or, not.

I've been primarily a beach goer this summer. While it's having it's fun moments, it's been hard to put the tools down when you're on a roll. VERY hard.

 But we all have to define what our individual needs/present purposes are. I chose a loose summer so I could have downtime for myself and spend it doing things with my son. And he's not a DIY fanatic, so that leads us to do other things together. And it's ok. It really really is! Or so I encourage myself... :)

So, this post is to simply commend those for doing what THEY either have to or have chosen to do. Some are riding their waves VERY high and are wonderful inspirations, paving a path of hope for the rest of us beach goers. We need and thank you! Others are kicking back, being lured towards the outdoors rather than the paint can. Wonderful! Go do it right!

I have to admit something. I try not to do this but I'm shaking with eagerness. The moment that school bell goes off, I can't WAIT to kick up some major dust with ideas and where to take things. I even have a 'welder's class booked!!! (deep breath... deeeep breath.... metal only gets deliciously rustier with time)

But for now, it's a hot sunny day and that spells  B E A C H  or  L E I S U R E  to us. "Step awaaaay from the tools.... far far awaaaay...." This cute face is counting on it.

Be ok with where you are and what you're doing. Only YOU know where you need to be this summer. No one else has what's on your own personal plate, so forgive yourself if you feel like you haven't 'measured up' in whatever dept. you feel you're lacking. Just do the best with what you've got. And, have fun! Guilt free!

Kinda puts new meaning to "Go fly a kite", doesn't it?

Do your own personal best, and you'll be riding that wave, no matter what that may mean, before you know it.

What did you primarily do with your summer this round? 
Are you making the very best of it?

If not, do it now!

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