Sunday, May 31, 2009

What I Found While Hunting For Night Stands...

Two night stands are needed for the "Girl's Dream Bedroom". This feminine Tessa Night Stand from Crate & Barrel is perfect for the room. Well almost, it has the wrong price, the wrong finish...but other than those issues, perfect! I was actually tempted to refinish it when I recently saw a floor model on sale for $219, but this price still exceeds the budget I have for both night stands. This fact saved me from temptation and the work that would have followed.

With price being key I decided to visit the two HomeGoods stores in the Portland area. This required my making one very large loop around the Portland Metro area. Luckily there was virtually no traffic and I was back home to enjoy the rest of a beautiful Sunday within a couple hours. (Okay, plus a few minutes). Here are the options I found:

This white night stand with the wicker baskets certainly hit a home run with its price, but it is a bit too country for this design. It did, however, give me the idea to find baskets in some pretty color to place beneath the night stands I decide on. A great place to store books or other items when not in use.

The potbelly night stand to the right is very close to the Tessa design, so high on the list of possibilities. Its drawers are fairly deep and lined with brown fabric...cute. On the down side it has some damage on the left leg that would require some sanding and paint touch up. Time to ask for a price reduction?

Another find with the right lines is this cream night stand with deep, wide drawers. This option is a big plus in terms of storage, but the cons are its higher price and 30" width, which will use all the space available. It may end up looking out of balance paired with a smaller night stand.

This next find on the right is great. Right color, size, nice design, great price and no damage. The only con is its height. It is fractionally shorter than the other front runner. If paired together I'll have to place pads on the bottom of the legs to give it a slight boost, so the lamps placed on them will align at the same height.

This wooden top option made me stop and take a look, but it was too tall and I decided I didn't like the brown table much refinishing do I really want to do? The number of drawers and storage, however, would have been a big plus.

Finally, although these last two pieces don't really mesh with the design of the room, I had to think about them for a moment. I adore the lined interior! Unfortunately they are too high, too expensive and wouldn't really be as useful with shelves instead of drawers. All the cons take these night stands out of the running.

So...I've made my decision, the two smaller white potbelly nightstands are my picks. Let's hope no one else found them today!

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