Monday, March 14, 2011

Easy (and removable) Chalkboard Wall~

So as I've told you before, we are renting this house. And it's a great house. I have no complaints other than the fact that I can't paint the walls. (I even got up the nerve to ask the landlords when they agreed to let me paint the fireplace... no go. Fireplace - yes. Walls - no. Sigh.) Oh, and the fact that there are no doors on the closets. Closets are for hiding clutter...are ya with me on that one? But I digress. Back to painting walls.

I have been wanting a chalkboard wall in my office/mom cave ever since I saw Emily's office. Swoon! And I have been toying with ideas of different ways to have the look of an entire chalkboard wall without painting the wall itself. I didn't want it to be just a big chalkboard...I wanted it to be a wall.

I came up with some ideas that I thought were pretty good, but I was never convinced...until I saw this post at Craftberry Bush.


I looked all over trying to find the long rolls that she talks about in her post, and was finally able to locate them at Michael's Craft. So I bought 4 rolls...they're each approximately 20" across and 60" long. They don't reach from the ceiling to the floor, but since the desk was going to be sitting in front of them I figured there would be the illusion that they reached the floor.

I was literally able to put them up in about 10 minutes. And they stick GREAT! AND...the most important part for renters...they remove just as easily. I am seriously just about giddy. So much so, in fact, that I didn't even style the photos...I just took 'em to show you the wall.

So, just so we're all on the same page, I still need to accessorize the desk. But isn't that chalkboard fabulous??!!??

I'm going to say it again...ADHESIVE VINYL CHALKBOARD BABY!!

If you want a chalkboard wall...but don't want to paint...try it. You can thank me later. :-)

Have a great day~

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