Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Plan A Failed, On To Plan B

Plan A: Recover the bench, without removing the original fabric, with a layer of foam and batting, after filling in the tufted areas with shredded foam.

Looking good so far. (I think I was distracted by how pretty the green bands looked!)

But at this point I probably should have taken a step back to analyzed the progress...

...but I'm always in a hurry.

However, when I finished stapling on the batting I knew something was off.

My heart was telling me it was too bulky (Hum, really?! I should have stopped to take a look at the above photo of where I want this bench to go!) but my head wanted to figure out how to make it work, because I didn't want to start over. It irritated me all day and that night I went to bed thinking about it. But I woke up with the solution. I think. 

So right after the kids got on the bus at 7:30 I was back to work on the bench, undoing the efforts of the previous day. All the stables, foam and batting were removed to give Plan B a try.

Which is this: remove the buttons and original material, and work with the existing foam so that the thinner profile and curved corners, which give the bench its lovely lines and good proportions, are not lost.

Happily it took less than an hour to get to this point, so I stopped being irritated with myself that I'd wasted time. Better to stop, backtrack and redo than forge ahead and be unhappy with the final result!

Taking the bag of shredded foam...

...all the holes were tightly filled.

I'm just going to sit back and see how much the foam "relaxes", now that the original material is not pressing down on it creating the indentations. I'm thinking it will spring back a little, but not all the way. I've got a couple ideas about how to deal with this issue, but learning from the experience with Plan A, I'm going to think about it for a day before proceeding!

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