Thursday, April 2, 2009

Frugal Friday~

I decided to start a new series of posts called Frugal Fridays ~ Decorating ideas for little or no money! The economy being what it is, and me being what I am (ocd - Obsessively Consumed with Decorating), I decided to give you all ideas that cost very little, if anything, but give your home unique "designer" touches.

I have shown this picture by designer Heather Chadduck before. I *heart* this picture beyond words. And one of the things I love the most is the numbers on her chairs.

Because you all know how much I love typography...especially numbers. Hence, the pillows in my shop.

The other day I was looking at my kitchen chairs and thinking that they needed a little pick me up. So I did what any person who is Obsessively Consumed with Decorating would do. I added a little something....NUMBERS!

This was so simple.
I printed out the numbers on cardstock first (FONT: Century Schoolbook Bold FONT SIZE: 250) . Then I cut them out with an xacto knife to make a template. I used my template to trace the numbers onto the back of the chairs and then painted them in. It took a bit of a steady hand, but I adore the results. I don't think I have been this excited about such a simple project. I just go over and stare at my chairs now. I'm a little wierd that way. I didn't even need to distress them...the kids took care of that for me ;-)

Have a great weekend~ And if you have any great ideas for a Frugal Friday post...please send them my way!
OH, and if you didn't get a chance to enter Thursday's have until midnight EST tonight. Just leave a comment on Thursday's post!

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