Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Winner...An Ornament idea...Etc.~

It seems that everyone I know is trying to simplify this year. And I don't blame them. So this week I thought I'd share a few simple, easy and inexpensive ways to trim your tree...

First up...

Fruit. Oranges to be exact. I adore dried oranges on trees. Look at the light coming through that orange slice. It's luminescent...almost magical!

So how do you dry oranges? Very simple...

I dried mine in the oven.

1. Cut your oranges into 1/4" slices and place on a cookie sheet (some would recommend a wire rack, but I found that the cookie sheet worked better and helped maintain the shape of the slices).

2. I have also heard it suggested that you cover the oranges with a paper towel to absorb the juice. This is probably a good idea, but again, I didn't do it. (I'm such a rebel.)

3. Set the oven at 250 degrees and bake the oranges for an hour. Flip the slices at least once during this time.

4. Reduce the temperature of the oven to 225 degrees and bake for another two hours. Flip the slices about every half hour to maintain shape and help with optimum drying.

5. Remove the oranges slices from the oven and let cool. It is important to note that the slices will still be slightly moist in the center. THIS IS OKAY. They will dry out as they cool.

6. Then I just strung some raffia through holes in the center of each orange slice (if a hole doesn't occur naturally during the drying process, it is simply to punch a little hole in the membrane once the orange is entirely dry.)

7. Hang and enjoy.

The oranges do not need to have anything more done to them. I simply store mine in a ziploc bag. I have had them for five years and they have not needed any sort of chemical to maintain color or to keep them from rotting. The drying process did that for me.

The winner of the P.G.D. Style tee shirt is the fabulous Lulu from Lulu and Co. (If you've never been to Lulu's blog you are in for a treat! Hop over and pay her a visit!) Drop me an email Lulu, and we'll get you set up with your shirt!!

And don't forget....It's that time again....The Frugal Friday Linky Party is this Friday here at The Shabby Nest! Come and link up with your best frugal holiday ideas!! Hope to see you all there!

Have a great Monday~

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