Sunday, October 23, 2011

31 Days Blog to Biz / day 24 - love your mess

I finally finished my deadline weekend project photo shoot and gave out a big sigh. I really left the house in complete wreck mode, so once again, I donned the shovel and started chucking clutter out the window onto the neighbour's lawn.

(I kid, but that's not half bad...)

The house got picked up spic and span and I was PROUD. A new project inside a clean tidy house!

And then I glanced at the mantel. It didn't go with my newly finished project. So you know what I did next. I dismantled the works and hauled a bunch of new stuff upstairs again.

In other words, my house looked nice for about 20 seconds.

I've come to the conclusion a stager's house is never done, clean, nor safe from change. It's not in the cards. If you want to stage for a living, your house IS your portfolio, and the faster you switch it around, the more 'stock' you have to show for it.

You need a place to store your overflow, switch things around often, and try new things constantly so you can avoid spending $ each time you need a new look. You need to be flexible, ok with mess and half done projects for when real life takes over.

Basically put, if you're a stickler for not wanting to move 'that mirror' to a new location and you need completion in your life, you may have a hard time with this gig.

The beauty of my kind of eclectic decorating is, anything really can go anywhere. It's just a matter of making it work. So that offers me lots of flexibility when I change things out for the sake of a pretty shot.

I will never ever have a clean house again because I LOVE LOVE LOVE doing this. So I hereby declare, from this day forward, I vow to love my mess and all that comes with it and be downright proud that I even HAVE all these opportunities to decorate.

And you guessed it... I was playing with leaves, a gate and barbed wire today. Sorry it got too dark for a reveal... let's just blame it on the moon. My own version of funky fall will be revealed in due time. :)

Have you thought about what comes with your own chosen passion?
How will you handle it?

All 31 Day posts to date are HERE.
Visit Day One for each listing HERE.

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