Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Little Bit of Pretty...a tutorial~

So I don't know about all of you, but I felt the need to create something pretty to brighten up these dreary, winter days. I've had this project in the back of my mind for some time, but with an ice storm outside yesterday, and a house full of kiddos, crafting was on the agenda. So after I settled the kiddos in working on their own crafty creations, I set to work making mine.

And since I was making it anyway, I decided to take some photos and make a tutorial for my lovely readers. ( You should all be impressed with this, because I usually don't think about the tutorial thing until AFTER the project is complete...this makes the whole picture taking process somewhat difficult...)

And what are we making today, Wendy, you ask? Why, a button wreath, of course!

What you will need:

  • Lightweight cardboard (I like to collect this so I have it around for various projects...things like the cardboard that comes in folded shirts, large tags from clothing etc.)
  • Scrapbook paper (ideally this should be the color of the buttons you will be using.)
  • Two glasses (or other round objects) one smaller than the other.
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Stick glue
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hot glue sticks (I went through about 2 of these)
  • Buttons (lots - I used about 80 or so for my small wreath) I like white vintage buttons best, but you could use any color and you can buy them new - of course.
  • Ribbon


  1. Using the stick glue, start by gluing the scrapbook paper to the cardboard. Remember, stick glue is your very generous.

  2. Using a pencil, trace the rims of the glasses onto the paper. The larger glass outside and the smaller glass inside to create a wreath form.

  3. Cut out the wreath form. If you're the perfectionist-type you can gently sand the edges so they are smooth (using a sanding block), but keep in mind that they will be 90% hidden by the buttons.

  4. Now comes the fun part. Gather your buttons. I like to sort them into sizes before I get started gluing...makes the whole gluing process a little easier.

  5. Start by gluing a layer of large buttons to the form.

  6. Now glue a layer of slightly smaller buttons on top of the larger ones, staggering them to cover the spaces between the larger buttons.
    NOTE: I like to play around with where I will put the buttons because I want to vary the shades of the buttons...especially when using white buttons, because it creates more texture and interest.

  7. Continue gluing on buttons using smaller buttons each layer, and filling in the blank open spaces. This will create a rounded effect. Then I go back and add smaller buttons to the empty spaces left on the edge between the large buttons in the first layer. (That description is about as clear as mud, but hopefully, you get what I mean.)

  8. And that's it! Loop a pretty length of grosgrain ribbon around the top and tie with a bow...then hang it somewhere that will make you smile when you look at it.

These wreaths make lovely bridesmaid gifts when tied with a length of tulle or wired ribbon. They also look lovely tied over a mirror (which is actually where I have mine.) And just for fun...imagine one made in a heart shape or with red and pink buttons for Valentine's day. Very sweet! Let me know if any of you make one, I'd love to see your results!

Happy Crafting~

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