Monday, December 1, 2008

Inspire-Me Tuesday~

Photo from Layla Grayce

We pre-empt the Shabby Nest Christmas decorating posts to bring you this edition of Inspire-Me Tuesday! Today's inspiration comes from Layla Grayce. On their website they actually have a page called "Inspiration". And, oh yes, there is plenty there to inspire. Look at this lovely room. I just love rooms done in white. I have two sets of slipcovers for my living room sofa and chair, and one of them is white. I've had to pack the white ones away for now because my sofa and chair get a lot more use in this house than they did in the last, and I would be washing those slipcovers every other day. But someday, I might be able to have a room like this. (Or at least I might be able to use my white slipcovers again.)

Go forth, inspire and be inspired~

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