Monday, May 19, 2008

Advertise on TDC and reach thousands of readers a day! 

Thrifty Decor Chick was created in May of 2008, and in the fall of that year started to take off and become more and more popular. Since then, the site has grown every month.

Here are the details of Thrifty Decor Chick's analytics last month (per Google Analytics/Blogger stats):
     Approximately 2 million page views a month
     More than 420,000 unique visitors a month
     More than 28,000 subscribers in Google Reader
     More than 13,800 Google "followers"

TDC has been featured on television (The Nate Show, Indy Style) and a number of sites, (,, Apartment Therapy). You can check out my Featured tab at the top of my site to see them all.

I offer a variety of advertising options:
  •  Month to month advertising
    • 125px by 125px ad on the sidebar for $100 a month
    • 125px by 250px ad for $150 a month
    • 250px by 250px for $250 a month
  **Discounts will be given for all sizes if three months or more are purchased. Please email for details.
  •  Giveaway post.  This option will bring high traffic to your web page/store over the course of the giveaway and beyond. I typically run these on a weekend, so your products will receive prominent space on my site for at least two days, if not more. For examples of this type of post, click here or here. This post is $150.
My readers enjoy products or services related to DIY home projects and home decor, similar to those I feature here. Also, I love to feature fun items like jewelry, photography and gifts -- anything my reader's can pamper themselves with.

I do not do link exchanges or text links.
I do not accept written posts from businesses.  

To advertise or for more information, please contact Elizabeth at I hope to partner with you soon!

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