Thursday, February 24, 2011

My outdoor workshop and a giveaway!

If you've followed FJI for sometime now, you may have picked up on something.

I like a lot of natural daylight in my surroundings.

 And this would be one reason I do alot of my builds outdoors. I'm fortunate to have a nice overhang along the front of the house. I open the garage up wide for easy access to tools, but I always haul what I'm building outdoors.

I mean, check out this amazing view of the weather! I miss nothing. :)

 Yep, if this workshop needs more room, I simply move my truck. And dog. And wait for it to stop snowing.

My poor neighbors are use to seeing a lot of materials hanging around. If my loot sits there more than a month, I do cram it in the garage to give their eyes a rest though. :)

But, you know how it is when you gotta create. While the neighbours are weeding and mowing their lawns and getting some REAL work done, I'm generally doing this.

I LOVE working outdoors! I can walk around my entire project, sand and build to my heart's content, and snap well lit photos. The front of the house is on the north side, so it's perfect for light without direct sun for the most part. (which translates to no shadows or over exposed pics)

 And, then there's the backyard workshop.

 When I created my palette desk, I had plenty of room to spread out and do what we needed to do.

In a pinch, I'll work inside the garage. However as it's only a single garage and full of stock, I generally can't anyway.

One day I hope to have that big 'ol barn out back or a real workshop built in this backyard perhaps. However for today, I'm happy to create under all things daylight!

Except for maybe today. It's fffffreezing out, so guess I'll be polking at indoor projects over the next while.


While I wait for things to warm up abit, I'd like to invite you over to take in another kind of sunshine. How can you NOT think of all things bright and sunny when you see fun creations like this?

I've done a review on this item and there's also a giveaway event you can enter!

 Come on over HERE where the weather's all sunshiny all day long! :)

Where do you work on your larger projects?
Are you also tight for indoor space? 
Or prefer the outdoors?

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