Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pets in our photo shoots

Some of my most endearing photos ever are when my pets walk into camera range.

I take the opportunity to click click click like crazy to attempt to catch them at the best possible moment.

One of my alltime fav new pictures is this one of the crate stairs. Beethoven was standing ever so still as if waiting for me to go ahead and get my shot. :)

And then he settled right down to watch me. So I kept on clicking! LOL My heart absolutely melts with this pose.

The sight of pets add such a different element to a photo. And are next to impossible to plan. You just have to wing it.

 This photo didn't look nearly as enticing when the cat wasn't snoozing away in my crumply bed. :)

I couldn't resist snuggling up nearly that very instant! (that's the cat in my face)

I love this shot. Jenna(my dog) is my total shadow and even though you don't see her that often, she's always right beside me. And to catch her where she always typically sits is so... homey. :)

Here Jenna was dodging the sun but it's as if she sat to 'dog-up' the picture. :)

Here... let's take a picture of my wing chair. Isn't she cute?!? I'll just move it into the house and...

... then this happens. Within moments. Any new thing that comes in? The cats own it until the novelty wears off. :)

LOL! Those little eyes buried in all that dark fur. Teddy Bear's up to NO good sitting beside all those bird houses... when realty really was, she was just keeping me company while I muttered to myself on how I'd make that twig chandy work. Free therapy!

And then there's the day I was tiling my entry when a thunder storm hit.  Can you guess what dogs do during thunder booms? They shake rattle and roll while hyperventilating. But they don't walk over fresh grout. Amazing.

One of my very fav shots of Miss Mustard Seed's is this wonderful bedroom. While the bedding and canopy are both most certainly amazingly droolworthy, my eye always darts back to the little furry darling, wanting to go scoop her right up!

I suppose you can tell I'm crazy about my animals and I don't encourage them to scoot out of the photo zone all that often.

Even if they DO drink outta my junk.

Yes, YOU! :)

Do you encourage your furry loved ones to pose while you shoot or attempt to shoo them out of sight?

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