What you will need:
1. Glass containers of any configuration. (I went and bought a bunch of candle/votive holders at the dollar store.)
2. A water spraybottle (filled with actual water...shocking, I know.)
3. Silver metallic spraypaint. (I have also read that using mirror spraypaint works well...and in reality I think it would probably be better...I just happened to have some silver spraypaint on hand...and that's how I roll...)
1. I decided to spraypaint both the inside and outsides of my containers, so I didn't need to prep them any special way. If you want to use them as candle h0lders, I would suggest taping off the inside of the jars so you won't get any paint inside. Heat + Paint = Trouble.
2. Spritz both the outside and inside of each jar with water. I set my spraybottle on mist so that the water droplets are small in size. (This is what creates the aged look.) Some of the water will pool on the inside of the jar. Don't worry about this.
3. Immediately spray the inside and outside of each wet jar with your metallic (or mirror) spraypaint. Go over each with two to three light coats of paint. Remember mercury glass is supposed to look aged and imperfect, so you aren't going for complete coverage here.
4. Let the jars dry completely. As the water dries it will leave droplet marks and streaks which add to the mercury glass illusion.
For a super easy neighbor gift, take your faux mercury glass vessel and add a bag full of goodies to the inside. Super easy and festive!

Oh, and on a last note...due to the fact that both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve fall on Fridays this year, there will be no Frugal Friday linky parties for the next two weeks. I'm pretty sure you all will be too busy to miss it. ;-) But never fear all you frugalistas, Frugal Friday will resume as usual the second week of 2011.
Have a great day~
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