Here's where the story gets interesting. Or gross. The Princess woke up in the middle of the night a couple of nights ago with a tummy ache. She couldn't sleep so I got her settled on the couch in the living room with a movie on the TV (we don't normally have a TV in the living room, but there is one there right now left over from the Hubby's convalescence.) Not long after I was settled back in bed, I got the frantic shout from the living room that she threw up - I realize this is probably more than you wanted to know but it is pivotal to my story. And it wasn't until I got in there that I discovered that my area rug was a casualty.
Now, I have scrubbed, and scrubbed. Lysoled. Febreezed. You name it, I've tried it. And the smell remains. (I realize the smell will fade over time, but humor me please.)
Every year we receive some Christmas money from our parents. (And by we, I mean each member of the family receives an alloted amount.) This year I had been toying with the idea of buying a new rug for the living room, but I couldn't justify it to myself, because being the decorating-obsessed girl that I am, it seemed like a guilty pleasure to me -especially since we have already established that the rug we have was perfectly good. But now that my rug smells completely atrocious, I feel justified in using my money to buy a new one. (Okay, it's a bit of a weak justification, but it works for me...and it is gift money after all.)

So after that uber-long explanation, here is the meat of my post. I really want to purchase a sisal-type rug. I am considering one from IKEA like the one pictured above because their prices are doable for my budget. But I was wondering, my dear readers, if you have any suggestions? I need a rug that is roughly 8x10. And I can't spend a lot, but I don't want it to look (or feel) cheap. I sure could use some input. Anyone out there have experience with the IKEA rugs? Anyone have any other suggestions? Sure hoping you can help a gal out.
And on a completely different note, just a reminder that Frugal Friday goes up tonight at 8:00 pm MST. Hope to see you all there!
And on a completely different note, just a reminder that Frugal Friday goes up tonight at 8:00 pm MST. Hope to see you all there!
Have a great day~
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