Remember when you were little? Did you twirl? I did. I loved to see how far my dress would go out as I would spin. I would have contests with my friends. Whoever's dress would go out the farthest would win. Did you do that? Did you twirl? Twirl just to twirl?
Somewhere in all the growing up I've done since I was that little girl, I stopped twirling. I started wearing pencil skirts. They don't go out when you twirl, so what's the use? I became practical. I started to worry. I worry alot. Even at Christmas time, with all of the merriment around me, I worry. Do you?
There are so many generous, loving people out there. People who give. They give of themselves. They give of their money. They give because they love. They want me to twirl.
And so, at least for today, I will try to look beyond the worry. I will try to embrace the optimism of the season. I will breathe. I will twirl.
Will you join me?
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