We all hear the stories of those living their passion. Those folks are eager to bounce out of bed and get a move on! If you are one of those that don't feel just like that, you aren't living your passion.
And I happen to be one of them. I have many passions actually. And it's been tricky to focus on just one that can bring me eventual income. Isn't that the dream? Living your passion as your work? It most certainly is for my current sole parent lifestyle. I don't have a choice but to earn a living and I want to ADORE what I do.
I use to have passion for my current work before my son came along. When he entered my life, my passion was all about him. 10 years later, it's still my passion to be his parent. However, I'll admit, once I punched through the baby raising fog and divorce healing, my creativity surfaced once again.
This sums up passion perfectly:
I came upon this article on PASSION written by life coach Lindsay Sukornyk and I am so excited to share it with you. ENJOY!
“What are you passionate about?” – one of my favorite questions that often stops people in their tracks. People often reply, “Passion? What’s passion? How do I know I have it? I don’t think I have any – how do I find it?”
What is passion?
Passion: feeling alive, fulfilled and full of energy. The buzz you get when you’re truly excited – about a thought, a relationship, a feeling or an activity. It’s turning on the faucet of joy when you’re engaged in what excites you.
How do I know I have it?
You may feel a sense of calm. You’ll feel it in every cell of your body, feeling lighter, freer and at peace. Time seems to stand still when you’re engrossed in a passion. If you make a living doing what you’re passionate about, you’ll find yourself saying, “I can’t believe I actually get paid to do this!” Passion can be experienced as a moment of bliss – a feeling that everything is exactly as it should be.
How do I find it?
The road to living a passion-filled life is one of ongoing evolution. Here are some of the steps of this journey:
Think about the people, places, things, ideas and activities in your life that have made you feel alive.
Notice where you incorporated the things that light you up and adjust your activities to allocate more time and energy into the things that bring you passion
Sometimes the path to passion is blocked by negativity. To eliminate these blocks, shift your thoughts to ones of possibility: redesign relationships that consistently bring your down: change your life circumstances – job, lifestyle, location – to provide a framework for passion. Take a stand for your passion by doing the tough work of eliminating the blocks.
Living a passionate life is not for the faint at heart. Take risks, do things differently and be open to the vulnerability inherent in living a full, passionate life. Without risk there are no returns.
Over time, your passions may change. What worked five years ago may no longer light your fire. That’s evolution. Notice what’s real for you now and make the necessary adjustments to realign with the “new you”.
Be grateful for all you create – it’s essential. Bathe in the experience of living a life that reflects you, at your best. Being true to yourself creates a flow that will have you constantly feeling lucky, as you attract more and more of what you want into your life.
The good news: the more you practice, the easier it is to live a passion-filled life – creating a life of fun and ease!
I have found my passion and I know how it feels to have that sense of calm and excitement all at once! My wish is that each of you can experience that same joy!
Are you interested in nailing what your own personal passion is and discover all that you can do with it? If you are, I'd like you to join me in my own personal series of Nailing Your Passion, right here on Funky Junk Interiors.
Just know, I'm no expert on the subject. I'm finding my own. But it's my hope, while I find and tweak my eventual goals, that you can reach where you need to go as well.
And I'm going to ask for your opinions, BIG TIME. And even give you weekly homework where you can share your progress via Mr. Linky!
So, two of my goals for this week are, figuring out the Mr. Linky thing AND making a button for this series! (nothing like diving in head first without goggles) And when I figure out those two things, I'll teach you how to do it too!
Now, I need your feedback.
Does this series interest you? Are you at a standstill on where to take your passions and desires and could use this kind of inspiration? It is my hope that by sharing my personal travels, you can rediscover what lies within you as well. So, wana do this together?
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