See this pretty little thing?
One of our sistas from our blogging community, Lorie from
Be Different, Act Normal is trying to win it.
Do you know how close she is? She's running neck to neck with only ONE other site!
How can she win? She needs the most comments on her post! So in celebration of a friend needing a helping hand, I'm holding us a little

At the end of this post, you'll see a place to vote for Lorie, and please do it quickly. Deadline is Oct 2!! (you can vote more than once too! Anonymous voters will be disqualified)
Then add your own laundry link to join the party! If you don't have a laundry room worthy of pics, feel free to post a fav laundry themed gaget you enjoy. Or another laundry themed pic from the net. But if nothing else, please just vote for Lorie and just spread the word.
So, let's get this party started already! Here's mine...
You may have already seen my laundry room bookshelf idea. In celebration for Lorie, I've taken a few more pics. The room is so not ready for a final reveal, so don't worry if yours isn't either!
Here's the only storage I have so far. A $20 bookshelf scooped up from a garage sale. And I love it!
No shelf is complete without something pretty to gaze at of course!
And let's not forget about pretty storage. If it's going to show, may as well make it fun to look at. Baskets give such an earthy natural texture and are never out of style.
Meet the dynamic duo! These are Sears Elite H5T's, about 2 years old now. And I adore them! And the deep cranberry colour, just so fun to look at. I smile everytime I see them. Yeah, it's true laundry love, what can I say... and I want Lori to dream of something similar soon!
Such a sorry pic... but what laundry room wouldn't be complete without a lamp? The basket on the left is a catch all for whatever I find in pockets. The pad on the right is so laundry baskets don't scratch the top of the machine. I have a plan of action for the tops and along the back, but it's not ready yet.
The detail on this thrift store $8 lamp is really gorgeous! It's metal too. And nope, I did not paint it. I love the blackish brown it is.
And my newest pride and joy? The antique ironing board I found about a week ago! I hate to cover up the wood because it's just so woodsy unique! You know... my thing with wood...
Now, your turn! First, right click/new window on the link below to vote for Lorie
Next, link up those cute laundry room posts of yours! Please be sure to visit other links and leave comments!
Linking rules:1.
Before linking up, please click on your post
TITLE. Copy and paste that title ulr from the address window into the McLinky url area. The address should not show just your home page address, but rather, should
have an extention that specifies your title within it. This will enable your links to travel back to the right post. I'll be deleting any links that are simply home pages, so please try again if you see yours missing.
2. On your blog, please link back to this page somehow so you can bring your readers back to the party. One easy way is to simply grab the laundry button made for you. Here's how...
- copy the scroll address, go back to your post, select Edit HTML, paste it in your post, go back to Compose to check it or continue writing your post, click publish. Yes, it is just that easy.
Whoohoo! Let's do it! Show Lori some major laundry room spirit by linking up AND voting! Good luck Lorie!