Monday, August 31, 2009

A little humor and why my subscribers are getting shortened posts~ (How's that for a dumb title?)

In my box of goodies that I won over at sweet Kasey's blog, there was a cute little sign. It says "please, no soliciting." I just love the colors and the sweet script writing. But in my neighborhood, we don't really have trouble with door-to-door solicitors, so I didn't want to hang it outside. Then it hit me...

Ha ha! Isn't this funny?!? (If I do say so myself.) We are on the opt-out list for phone solicitors, but there are always those that find the loophole and call to bug us anyway. I just thought I'd put in my two cents worth, by putting the sign by our phone. (Too bad those darn telephone solicitors can't actually see it. sigh.)

EDITED TO ADD: I've had a lot of people comment on the phone. It is from Pottery Barn a couple of years ago. It's called the Grand phone. I don't think they have the wall version anymore, but they still have the desk version (which is actually what I wanted, but we had this ugly wall jack, so I thought the wall version would be better) Here's the link.

And I also wanted to let all of my readers know, that I have shortened my RSS feed. This means that those of you who subscribe to my blog via readers like bloglines, google reader etc. will now be getting a truncated version of my posts that wont include any photos. I found out that the blog that is stealing my blog posts is using my feed to do so. (If you haven't heard about this unfortunate situation, I wrote about it here.) In any case, now the offending blog is only getting short versions of my posts with no photos. My sincere apologies to my subscribers who are now having to deal with these truncated posts in their readers. I hope you will continue to read my'll just have to click over if you want to see the entire posts. It's just too bad that those who are less than ethical can ruin things for all of the other bloggers out there who are wonderful and supportive and who give credit where credit is due.

And since I'm on the subject of my readers and subscribers, I want to thank you all for your wonderful comments and for coming to visit me here!! I want to apologize for the fact that I don't comment on all of your blogs as often as I should. I do visit. I really do! And you all are wonderful. Just know that I'm there, enjoying your inspiring posts. My readers rock!!

Have a great Tuesday~

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