Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why It Is More Fun To Decorate Kid's Rooms!

Are you familiar with Houzz? If I remember correctly, I was introduced to the site when Mrs. Limestone's home was featured there and she mentioned it on her blog. Once there I was hooked. Designers, architects and home enthusiasts can upload images of their work to Houzz and at last count the site had over 40,000 photos from which to find inspiration.

Being a fan of this site, I was excited when I was asked to become a weekly contributor. I'll be writing an Ideabook on a design topic that captures my interest each week, which will be sent out along with a number of other Ideabooks to subscribers. This will be a fun opportunity for me to explore trends and design topics that might not otherwise be covered on this blog. Look for a link to each week's Ideabook on Saturdays.

And the topic of this week? I'm talking about why it is definitely more fun to decorate kid's room than any other space in the home. (Something I have talked about on this blog before!) Take a look here.

All images from Houzz

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