Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bad computers go bye bye in 2 weeks.

Dear not so dear computers,

I'm so done with you and your shoddy ways.

I don't get you. You tease me by eating well and working out one moment, and then call in sick the next. With no doctor's note.  NERVE!

Am I seeing double or did I have to try yet another new crappy monitor in order to patchwork quilt you again? And by the sounds of it, crappy monitor #2 isn't cutting the mustard either now is it?

Ok, it's not the monitor's fault. You simply can't blame a new car for driving bad. You've gotta blame the driver. Pretty monitor #2, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I will miss you but your lines are still a little fuzzy. I no longer wish to clean my glasses when they don't need cleanin', kwim?

Oopsee daisy... typo on the watermark. NOT.

You make me crazy. Your litter is strewn from one end of the house to the other. This isn't happy clutter my friend. No. This is PLEASE WORK THIS TIME clutter. Bleah!!

Oh looky here. Is that another dead keyboard? Why, we have enough carnage to play a round of 'Where's Waldo's Crappy Computer Components." Wait. I could write that. In fact, I think I just did...

Look. Isn't this sweet? This dead mouse even has it's own graveyard.

So you know what I did? I crossed the line. I took a drive into the 'other side of town.'

I feel like a good girl gone biker chick.

 Remember THIS post? This is what the masses said. And do check out the comments. Only 76 to read. I sincerely thank-you for your feedback! You indeed helped me decide!

Well, maybe now I MIGHT read this article. Second thought, nahhh.

Let's just hope Mr. iNag, the dude that disturbed me in the middle of my work day today nagging me yet again to BUY IT ALREADY, doesn't leave town anytime soon. Because I may need his help OR flaunt just how good I am on it without training.Yeah. Bet it'll be the latter.

In 2 weeks my new baby arrives! I might even call her... miMac. :) Yes, it's a girl!!

Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered whether I called her PrettyPC or miMac. I just want a reliable sort and decided to venture where I've never gone before. Cuz I'm a little bit country, an' a little bit rock n' roll.

RIP black keyboard dudette. I'm trying on a 'shabby white with a touch of galvanized' experience this time around.

I must run! I have a new office nursery to build before the due date! Think palette wood, saw horses, ladders, add some white, stir in crate design, and bake alongside other fun junk. My kinda cookin'!

Do you have any amazing office inspiration links to share? Leave the url in comments if you do pretty please!

Wish me luck! gulp...

This is how I plan to feather my nest soon, so I'm sharing this post with

The Secret Cottage's new link party, Feather Your Nest.
Good gracious.. these flowers would make any crap computer look good!
Go check out her shots!!

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