I am so excited about our Christmas stockings! One of the things I wanted to do last year and didn't get around to actually doing, was to get matching stockings for the whole family. But I have been collecting pictures from magazines, catalogs, etc. so that I could find the perfect stockings. I really love neutral colors for Christmas stockings, and I decided that I would make them this year so I could get just what I wanted. I wanted white matelasse for the girls' stockings and tan burlap/linen for the boys'. I also wanted to use what I had. So I had to compromise, but only a little.

I got just what I wanted for the boys' and you'd never guess by looking at them that they were made out of an old dress of mine. I hadn't worn it in years but I loved the fabric so much that I kept it around for just such an occasion.

I had a little white baby quilt that I used for the girls' stockings instead of matelasse, but it had the bonus of having a soft green border that made the perfect edge for the cuff. And the quilting gave them the texture I was looking for.

I have been loving the initials I have seen tied to stockings all over blogland but all of my boys have the same first initial so I added these pretty little tags with all of our names made out of vellum and glitter-y alphabet stickers.
They look very pretty all lined up along the garland on our staircase.
Have a lovely weekend~
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