This is the last full week of summer at our house. And this year I have two kiddos going to school. One will be entering third grade and the Princess is heading off to kindergarten. In honor of back to school week, I thought I would post some (loosely-based) school related posts. You're going to have to humor me here, because this is primarily a blog where I share my decorating ideas, etc. so I stretched my definition of school related just a little bit. I'm hoping you enjoy...
First up...Cute clipboards

I don't know about you other moms out there, but keeping homework papers and school notes corralled, but handy, can get to be a little bit challenging. Last year, One's weekly homework assignment pages ended up posted on the refrigerator door. Handy, but ugly. So this year with two kiddos in school, I decided I needed a better plan. I hit upon the idea of clipboards. But plain old brown clipboards would not do...not in this house...nosiree! So I cutified them. (Okay, I KNOW cutified is not a word, but it is clever, huh?) I took the kiddos to the craft store and let them each pick out some scrapbook paper they liked (without telling them what it was for) I then picked out a coordinating paper to make them a little more exciting. What do you think? I'm going to give them to the kiddos the night before school starts at our family back to school dinner. Then they'll go on the wall by the back door to keep everything handy!
First up...Cute clipboards
I don't know about you other moms out there, but keeping homework papers and school notes corralled, but handy, can get to be a little bit challenging. Last year, One's weekly homework assignment pages ended up posted on the refrigerator door. Handy, but ugly. So this year with two kiddos in school, I decided I needed a better plan. I hit upon the idea of clipboards. But plain old brown clipboards would not do...not in this house...nosiree! So I cutified them. (Okay, I KNOW cutified is not a word, but it is clever, huh?) I took the kiddos to the craft store and let them each pick out some scrapbook paper they liked (without telling them what it was for) I then picked out a coordinating paper to make them a little more exciting. What do you think? I'm going to give them to the kiddos the night before school starts at our family back to school dinner. Then they'll go on the wall by the back door to keep everything handy!
Happy crafting~
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