Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year~

Year in review

No. 4: Big Fat Honkin' Monogram.
No. 2: One of my favorite before and afters.

Well there you go ladies! A year -- well, eight months, in review. I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed writing and sharing. Here's to another year of fun ideas and tons o' comments!
Happy New Year!!
Ending With A Buy
If you don't know by now, there are certain groups of items that I have a hard time resisting when I thrift store shop. I love white plates and vases, bowls, old glassware, clocks, metalware, and baskets. So when I saw this little item it caught my eye.

Next, I took a trip to a shop that sells chemistry supplies (another fun place to shop!) and I purchased some test tubes for fifty cents a piece. I was so excited when I found out they fit perfectly into those corner pockets.

Thank you SO MUCH for your friendship!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm gonna party like it's 1999 or something like that~
Monday, December 29, 2008
Inspire-Me Tuesday~

Living room by Heather Chadduck
So now I'm back to reality, and settling in to the prospect of a New Year. I don't know about you, but the start of a new year always puts me in a nesting mood. So, today, I thought I'd share with you a lovely, warm great room. It's no secret that I'm a fan of Heather Chadduck...so you won't be surprised that this room is one of her's. I just want to point out the white buffet in the background. I asked you all a while back if I should paint my buffet white or leave it green...and an overwhelming number of you told me to leave it as is...but after you see the white one here, can't you see my dilemma? It's GORGEOUS! And, of course, I love the chalkboard - and the nailhead detail on the sofa - and the tone-on-tone color scheme. Mmmmmmmmmmm delish!
And before I forget...thanks to Elyse for this lovely award.
Now, my dear readers, go forth, inspire, and be inspired~
Cheap gift tags (FREE!)
So I have seen this idea a couple times in blogland and the first time I saw it, I knew this easy peasy project was just for me. Do you keep your old Christmas cards every year?? I do. Don't have a clue why -- I do the same thing with birthday cards, I can't let go of them.
Well it's like I've kept them all these years JUST for this! All you need is a puncher outer thingy:
Grab a card:
You may have to do some trimming to get it to fit in the puncher right. I turn mine upside down to see what I'm punching. I do it on the floor too -- much easier to punch. (These things are a work out!!):
Aren't they just ADORABLE?? Caaaauuute I say! I am dying to get my hands on more cards from this year. I'm trying to be patient and am keeping them up just a couple more days. Argh, I HATE delayed gratification!!
These were some of my favorites:
The puncher was originally about $15, but I got it half off. Otherwise, this is F.R.E.E. chickees! Have fun!
ALERT!! The puncher thingys are half off at Hob Lob this week! Run, don't walk!
A Little New Year Decor
a small New Year's tree.
It's a fun little tradition to help celebrate the new year.

with silver and mirrored ornaments and foil streamers.

that look like champagne bottles
(we prefer to think they're non-alcoholic)
with "Happy New Year" written on them.
I bought little glitter "cheers" words for 70% off.

on the branches and tucked at the base.

for the holiday buffet?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Are you ever waiting?
I can't tell you how many times a week I have this exact thought in my head. Tonight I thought it again.
I have a home I love. Friends that are always there when I need them and a family that loves me and puts up with me no matter what. Most of all: a beautiful, sweet stepdaughter, my incredibly patient and loving husband and my out-of-this-world, I-could-not-love-him-any-more-I-swear, son.
I wonder, what did I do to deserve this? I try to live a good, honest life. I try to be a good friend. I try SO hard to be a good Mom and a good wife. I think I succeed for the most part. But is that enough to deserve this life? I hope so. I pray so.
I have paid some dues. Years 16 through about 22 weren't very fun, to say the least. I was tested and I feel I came through stronger. Maybe I have earned some of this joy that is my life, but my happiness SO exceeds any pain I've ever felt. Can my dues that have been paid be nearly enough to make this all mine for good?
Sorry to get all deep on you. Maybe it's the season, maybe it's the coming new year. Maybe it's that I got to go on a date with my husband tonight. Any time with him is treasured. I am thinking DEEP lately, and just had to get it out. :)
Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy your blessed home and life this evening too.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Aftermath
Let's just say we have a VERY lucky and happy two-year-old on our hands. My stepdaughter wanted small expensive things...he got HUGE monstrous toys, like TENTS:
But we had a WONDERFUL few days, and I wouldn't change the mess, the toys, the pile of trash for the world. We are blessed.
Hope you had a great holiday! I'm going keep taking some time to check in with many of your sites and will be back soon. And I am ITCHIN' to get back to my molding projects -- I'm going through withdrawal! I have a few projects in mind I cannot wait to get started on.
Oh, and remember to keep in mind how you organize things in your home so you can share them with us on the 12th!! We are going to DECLUTTER and ORGANIZE ladies!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Greatest Christmas Gift Ever Given
---Neal Maxwell
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas~
The tree that would not STAND UP.
Notice anything different??
No?? How about now?:
No, I'm not kidding, this tree is falling over again. I noticed it while I lounged on the couch out there the other night. Yeah...relaxing...imagine that. Later that night, I kind of wiggled it and it ALMOST FELL OVER AGAIN. Hubby was asleep, Sister was asleep, so there I was with my drill and drywall anchors at midnight, drilling holes in the wall to keep this bleeping thing up till Christmas!
Whew. Hubby swears "It will be fine." I swear to you, if it falls again, I. Will. Lose. It.
Anyhoo...I wanted to show you some of my favorite decorations that I hadn't shown you yet. There are more, but you'll just have to wait till next year. :) Warning: Picture overload!!
My favorite Santa. He watches over the countdown. Can you even believe Christmas is here?!: