Sunday, October 30, 2011

31 Days Blog to Biz / day 31 - Share YOUR story

All 31 Day posts to date are HERE.

When I first took up the 31 Days Blog to Biz challenge, I admit I was nervous. I was wondering how on earth I could encourage you when it was really me that needed most of the work.

I soon found blogging about how to do it emphasized full volume where I fell short myself. And many of the guest topics nearly drove me over the brink with inspiration!

I know one thing for certain. Whenever I feel that lull hit again where I don't really know what to do with myself blog wise, I'm going to reread these posts.

What I still need to do:

get a passport
organize my stock
finish the photo studio
gut the house / fill up the restaurant with things to sell
finish up my new idea for selling things
redo my blog
submitting to another magazine
3 reviews for sponsors

But what I did accomplish:

bought new needed camera toys
figured out how to work in manual (YES!!)
accomplished a new junk project
started an ebook
have a potential book deal on the go

If nothing else, thinking of this topic for 31 days straight really did place my focus on where it needed to be. And from hereon out, I hope to stay focused and be more productive with my time and efforts.

So... what did this series do for you?
What changes have you made?
Or, how have you been earning income blog wise all along?

Link your own story up or feel free to comment!
Please help inspire those that still need help and 

(Linkup closed)

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