Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days Blog to Biz / Day 19 - I've got guts to show you THIS! Do you?

Last week I challenged you to create something gutsy.

Something you've never seen before. Something you may be afraid of someone not (gasp!) liking. I wanted to take you out of your comfort zone so you'd be free to experiment and go wild with what you saw in your mind's eye.

 Well feel free to go crazy because I did too.  Here's mine. :)

sand sand sand sand (cedar strips from something)


My fav old wheelbarrow got a satin clear coat to 'protect that rust!' :)

Clearcoat actually deepens the tone of rust too and makes it safe.

Hmmm... purrrrrfect. These boards will be a nice base for the rustic stuff. 
Can you guess what it will be yet?

Predrilling reduces wood splits. Especially in thinner cedar.

Yup! Perfect. 

Note to self.. get another drill already, one to predrill, one to screw. Amen!

Heehee... so weird.

This will do!

"As what?!?",  you ask?

Here, lemme tell you what it is as I roll you your coffee on my.... uh.... 

wheelbarrow coffee table!

It's junky, not too big, can be easily moved...

...  has built in magazine storage ....

(bigger boards stay put loose so you can flip them up)

... and suits my other busted up junk just fine!

Is this gutsy enough?
Now I want a bigger one. :)

Price - had it all on hand = FREE

Like gutsy projects? You can see a whole list of mine HERE.

Got the guts to link up something equally brave in your world? 
Let's see whatcha did!

Don't have a blog? 
Please post it on  FJI Facebook! We'd love to see. :)

All 31 Day posts to date are HERE.

Visit Day One for each listing HERE.

~ You've Got Guts! ~
Is it unique? Weird? Gutsy? Link it up! This linkup will remain open so you can add to it anytime. 

(Linkup closed)

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