I may have mentioned it before, but I'll say it again. I am a worrier. At any given time, I have a fairly long list of things that I am worrying about. My children, their health, finances, the hubby's slow recovery from his accident, etc. And also on that list...and perhaps this will surprise you...or you'll think it's funny...or you'll identify...is my blog. Why do I worry about my blog?
Well, let's start at the beginning. I started this blog as a creative outlet. It combined two of the things that I love to do the very most. Decorating and writing. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started blogging. But one thing I really didn't expect, is how much I would love it. Once I started getting comments and my blog started to grow, however, I really began to fall in love. And as I continued to write, and my blog continued to grow, it really became an extension of who I am.
So here I am today, over 2 1/2 years later. My blog is amazingly important to me. I have gained wonderful friends through blogging. I have learned things. I have been inspired. I have had opportunities that never would have come to me otherwise. And every day, I continue to gain friends, learn things, get inspired and gain opportunities. And now, my blog is also my source of income.
Well, let's start at the beginning. I started this blog as a creative outlet. It combined two of the things that I love to do the very most. Decorating and writing. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started blogging. But one thing I really didn't expect, is how much I would love it. Once I started getting comments and my blog started to grow, however, I really began to fall in love. And as I continued to write, and my blog continued to grow, it really became an extension of who I am.
So here I am today, over 2 1/2 years later. My blog is amazingly important to me. I have gained wonderful friends through blogging. I have learned things. I have been inspired. I have had opportunities that never would have come to me otherwise. And every day, I continue to gain friends, learn things, get inspired and gain opportunities. And now, my blog is also my source of income.
So you would think that by now, I would know exactly what to expect of my blog. You would think that I would have it down to a science. But I don't. Even after blogging for 2 1/2 years, sometimes I wonder what my blog is. How do others see it? Do I have a unique voice? Am I authentic? Do I get lost in the shuffle of all the amazingly talented decor/ diy bloggers out there?
Perhaps you would think that having blogged as long as I have, that I would be secure in my bloggy identity. But, like so many of you whose posts I have read, I find myself comparing my blog to others. I look at their fantabulous projects, their humor, their very unique perspectives and approaches to blogging, and I worry that I am mediocre at best and mundane at the worst. I worry that my blog is just one of the crowd. And I find myself spending time worrying about trying to come up with the one thing that will differentiate my blog from all of the others. That will make it stand up and be noticed!
But here's what I've decided, and what I want to share with you all today. It's not profound. It just is. When we talk about having blog identities, when we talk about being authentic, it all boils down to this. Be who you are. I need to be who I am.
I need to look at other blogs for their inspiration. But I need NOT compare myself to them. There will always be a blogger that is funnier. There will always be a blogger with better projects. There will always be a blogger with more followers, one who is featured more, one who has a lovelier home. But there will never be another blogger who is me. or you.
Sometimes I read back through my old posts and like what I see. Sometimes I read back through my olds posts and I cringe. I can't believe that I bothered to post certain projects etc. But you know what? That's okay. It's all me. And the fact that I don't always know what to expect of my blog, and that I don't have it down to a science, that's me too. I am always evolving...and my blog? It is always evolving because it is an extension of me.
So, my dear readers, I hope you will be patient with the fact that because I'm an ever-changing individual, my blog naturally follows suit. I may not be the funniest, the most eloquent, the most talented, or have the best projects to post. But I am me. And because I am the only me there is...I do have something to offer this big old blogging world. And you know what? So do you. Here's to being who we are.
Have a great day~
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