Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sign of the Times: School Budget Cuts

The school my children attend has experienced significant budget issues and one way to deal with this has been to cut the number of school days this year. It is a troubling situation that leaves a parent wondering if their children can continue to excel academically and stay on track with fewer days in the classroom. Fortunately, both of my kids are doing fine so far, but it is certainly something to keep an eye on.

In the meantime...what can I do to provide not only entertainment during time off, but help them learn something as well? One disappointment I have in the school curriculum is the lack of art education. As you may guess, art was one of my favorite subjects when I was a kid and I can't imagine what I would be doing today if these classes had not been available. Drawing, photography, painting, ceramics, sculpture, wood working...great stuff! So in the absence of these classes in their school, I'm setting up art school today at home.

Isabella got a head start while Max spent some time at a friend's house.

Once home he joined in...but if this was a school classroom I'd say he was looking to cheat!

All you really need to do is set out a variety of supplies, introduce a few ideas and let the kids take it from there.

A phone book to tear pages from, magazines to cut images out of, decoupage glue, paint, brushes, scissors, water, pastels, paper towels. Just sit back and assist if asked. Clean water, a towel?

It's interesting to see what captures their attention: nail polish inspires Isabella...

...and big globs of paint gets Max going.

The result of today's "lesson"?

Mixed Media...

...and A Collage. 
(Inspired by our recent trip to the Picasso exhibit.)

I didn't think they were paying attention to my ramblings about this and that technique seen in the art we were viewing at the show, but apparently they were. Enough to try a few things themselves.

Now please, I'm not saying I have a couple Picasso's on my hands. But they had a lot of fun...and I think they learned something as well.

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