"This is difficult!"
Blogging. It's alot of work, isn't it?
I've read a few posts lately that have some bloggers either taking a hiatus or have quit. It makes me wonder what I'd do with myself if my computer was taken away from me, enforcing me to quit. Quite simply, because I never would on my own. :)
This isn't to say I don't desire a break from time to time. Sometimes there's just too much going on in the real world and I'm overwhelmed trying to keep up with it all. But know what happens the moment there's a lull? You got it... taptaptap. :)
Ever have thoughts of throwing in the towel for any of these reasons?
1. "I don't post very often anyway."
Ever walk into a store with bare shelves?
If you're posting little these days, the outcome is similar. You reap what you sow. Offer relevant content on a consistent basis with good photos, interesting projects, be seen, post often, and you'll see a difference in your traffic.
2. "I just can't be bothered to put in the time."
Blogging takes a ton of time. However if you feel like it takes too much time, perhaps address what you're blogging about. Maybe you haven't hit your own passionate niche yet. Because trust me, when you figure it out, you can't stop chatting about it!
LOVE what you blog about and you'll forget about the time it takes. Your biggest problem will be about breaking away from it. :) See #3.
If you blog about your passion, time truly does stand still. However there's danger in that too. I have to have a chit chat with myself all the time. "Quit browsing, take care of life, then come back." All the time. Creative friends, you make this hard. :)
Solution? Try setting limitations on blogging such as an hour at a time. Use a timer if you need to.
Tips on juggling with blogging time is HERE.
4. "I'm not making money."
While it's nice to make an income, if that's your sole reason for blogging from the get go, I suggest to pick another hobby. You won't make money right away with a small blog unless you are blogging to promote your business. Concentrate on picking a passion to write about, work on growing your blog, then the rest will follow.
Realize, the most successful bloggers have flipped their blog into their life's work, as opposed those that incorporate blogging into their off topic full time working world. But there ARE things you can do if you fall into the latter group.
a) Offer something to sell. Whether it be sidebar sponsor space, or selling something, you have to offer something to make a monetary return. Just know, whatever route you choose, it flips into a job. Those with loads of sponsors work hard to advertise for them, and in many cases, work to get them. Those selling things are working long hours making things to sell. Those selling ebooks spend many hours writing offline. Anything you do will take some effort.
b) Join up with an ad campaign. Some campaigns pay by pageloads, some via clicks on the ads, some both. For me, BlogHer was a wonderful move. Google ads also brings in some monthly income. And there are others out there. Try googling the topic and see what you find.
c) Charge for reviews and giveaways. Holding a giveaway is promoting someone's business and you CAN charge for the privilege. Trading for product is fine and dandy, but I vote to only trade if you need the stuff. This was about bringing in revenue, remember?
You CAN be paid for your online time. Work on growing your blog first, then jump in!
6. "The competition is difficult to watch and makes me feel inferior."
I remember one blog post in particular. A blogger did a killer before and after that made my jaw drop. And her numbers rose overnight from that one post. What stood out the most is, I couldn't wipe the incredible before and after out of my mind and it highly encouraged me to follow the same path. So, I quit worrying about what others were doing from that day forward and started hacking away on my own potential success.
STOP the comparisons. Go do YOUR best work, then show us. No one does it quite like you, so work on setting up your own stage. Be inspired by what others are offering, then show your visitors what YOU can do.
7." I can't handle watching all that success going on. I'll NEVER get there."
I'll admit I feel this from time to time. But then I quickly remind myself, whatever success someone else just received has been earned. Then I roll up my sleeves and work a little harder. :)
Watch those successful around you, then try what they have in your own way. They are paving a new way for you. Be gracious, thank them, support them, then go do it yourself! Stomp out the CAN'T attitude and go for it!
8. "I can't get my blog to grow so what's the point?"
How you create your posts can be VERY relevant to your blog's growth. Good pics? Relevant content? Are you teaching something?
Don't worry about big follower numbers or rankings from the getgo. Build up your best content possible, so when others do come your way, they're be enticed to stay. Generally you need to convince a blogger to follow you with more than one good post. Put your best work out there and you've got them!
Post your best work. Post often. Take great pics. Join link parties. Comment lots. You'll be noticed.
And you can also try starting your own link party. However, I do suggest waiting until you have a decent size following, otherwise you just won't get the traffic or return visits. I think I started when I was around 1000 followers.
Visitors are shopping. How are you stocking your store shelves?
You can read tips on how to create blog growing posts HERE.
9. "I don't have enough to say. I keep running out of content."
Perhaps address what it is you're blogging about. If it's home decor and your house is done, and you don't like to change things up, you may have a glitch ahead of you. Think about how you can expand on so you do have content to share, such as creating and selling what you make. Or writing about what you know in order to teach. There are always forks in any given road.
Tips on breaking through writer's block is HERE.
10. I'm not into my niche topic any longer.
That's ok too! Seasons change. Allow your new passions to come forward and see where they take you.
Have more than one passion? I'm a decorator but I love writing about loads of stuff, from blog tips, photography, lifestyle, inspiration... you've seen it all here. Blog what you love to write about and you will build an audience for it.
"Lah lah lah... new attitude... this is great!
Friends, only you know why you blog. It's my guess that for most of you, this is simply your way of expressing your passion. And if you're loving it, keep at it. Exposure indeed does bring in opportunity. Enjoy the ride and see ya online!
Friends, only you know why you blog. It's my guess that for most of you, this is simply your way of expressing your passion. And if you're loving it, keep at it. Exposure indeed does bring in opportunity. Enjoy the ride and see ya online!
Need more advice?
Time management and blog growing tips plus many more can be found HERE.
Have you had thoughts of quitting?
What keeps you tapping?
Edited to add: I addressed questions in comments #7 and #72.

Like pretty stuff? Read the review and join in for a chance to win!
Edited to add: I addressed questions in comments #7 and #72.

Like pretty stuff? Read the review and join in for a chance to win!
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