Sunday, September 19, 2010

Award winning stairs on One Project Closer

Well now, another incredible surprised was found in my inbox this weekend.

My friends Kolein and Polly have been encouraging me to enter my projects here and there and everywhere. So I took them up on their advice. 

Remember the before and after project I told you about at One Project Closer HERE? I decided to give the contest a whirl and quickly submitted my old crate stairs before the closing registration date.

And I've been patiently curious to the outcome.

And then, the email came.

My crazy crate stairway (FJI original post HERE)  won the weekly winner contest of a 

$50 Home Depot gift card

AND a 

$100 donation in my name toward Habitat for Humanity!


To read more about the contest and this awesome program, click HERE.

To view the Project Closer contest win, click HERE.

But in a nutshell, One Project Closer started a before and after event in an effort to highlight the efforts of Habitat for Humanity.

One Project Closer says, "We’ve already featured one stair redo but this Before and After takes things in a totally different direction. Now her stairs practically ooze spunky personality, all on a very small budget."


And oh yes, they have indeed featured another weekly winning stair project this summer. Know which one?

Our friend Rhoda's stairs!

Girlfriend, all I can say is, we must have 'kickin' stairs to be winning contests with them. :) Aren't they pretty?

But the fun isn't over quite yet. The grand prize draw where voters get to choose their favorite out of all the weekly winners is just around the corner. And item up for grabs is a $150 gift card the next round!  Boy would that buy a hot tool or goods to create something else cool...

I'll indeed let you know when the finale is up and running! I admit I'm VERY curious to see all the projects up for the big vote!

 So, who here still has carpet on their stairs wishing they had the nerve to do something creative with the existing wood like Rhoda and I have? What would you like to do with them?

Pssst... if we can do it, so can you. :)

The Scentsy giveaway is on until Thursday evening, midnight. 
Click the balloons to get there!

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