Saturday, February 28, 2009
Get ready...
Many of you have been avidly following my reno blog for the past year.
In April 2008 the home renovations started on my current fixer upper. Basically, every square inch of this house will eventually be enhanced. It was no small undertaking! And we still continue to work on it. However, now that we're nearing completion, it's time for the fun stuff!
Wait till you see what's in store next... this blog is going to be all about creating amazing surprises for each room in your home.
How? By creating and utilizing amazing finds and being brave enough to implement the not so ordinary.
Do you walk into a room in your home and think it looks nice but it's not all that exciting?
You're going to come across some pretty out there or unique ideas that will put you slightly on the edge of your seat. Should you or shouldn't you? I have faith in you. You can do it! But if you're shy, I along with a team of pros are here to help! Contact us at
and perhaps we can help.
You CAN morph that 70's fireplace into something new and exciting. And yes, you can redecorate even though you're on a budget. You can even reshape the interior of your home by means of shopping from within and changing things around to create a fresh perspective. There are many ways to decorate and if you need some guidance, email us for more info.
I'll be building this site, day by day, sharing my views of what cool means in a home. I'll be showing you what I find in my travels and how I use them. I'll group some stuff together, take plenty of pictures and show you how you too can achieve similar results. If you're curious and want to see what's inside my head.. beware!
BUT, be ready to smile and want some of that too!
Stay tuned... you'll never think the same about home decor again.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Kitchen & Family Room Redesign - The Finish Line is in Sight!
Despite all the shows on TV showing complete transformations within a matter of days...if not reality projects can inch forward at a speed that can even test the patience of a designer! This project is on schedule, originally estimated to take three months it is now entering week eight, though it seems longer and feels as if it should be wrapped up by now.
The second roman shade, in the delightful Thomas Paul print, has been hung. In front of it hangs the new light fixture, a floor sample purchased from Crate&Barrel. It had been marked down twice, so even though it was not the right finish for the space, the design was great therefore I decided to refinish it. Primer and paint transformed the finish to mirror the finish of the island pendants. The interior of the shades were originally gold, which made the fixture appear gold once again with the light turned on. A couple layers of silver metallic paint applied with a fan brush corrected this, and the shades now cast a warm silver glow that works with the other finishes in the room. As a bonus, once this light fixture replaced the original "builder special" fixture that hung in the nook, the island pendants suddenly didn't look so bad. So, for now they will not be replaced, as was the original plan. Someday I'll stumble across a couple of fabulous pendants that will be the perfect replacements, but until then these work just fine.
So what is left to do? I am a huge fan of refinishing and repurposing and the kitchen nook chairs, which after several years of use are looking a bit worn, will be refinished. Currently black, the chairs feel a bit heavy in the space. They will be painted a lighter tone, similar to the cabinetry color. For the family room, a coffee table that was once in my husband's apartment when I first met him is being brought in and refinished. I have also found a new wholesale source for upholstered goods and have just ordered new seating. With the fabric selected for the sofas I can now make a decision on the fabric for the nook drapes. Finally lamps, side tables and a rug will be being brought in from our previous family room, and the last project will be to accessorize the bookcases. The goal is to be complete by the end of March...that date might be pushing it. We are hosting our neighborhood potluck then, however, so it would be nice to be able to have a finished space (and seating!) to welcome people into our home!
Served On A Siver Platter
Super Easy Project Ahead!
on regular paper (no need for card stock).

so the white of the paper doesn't show.
Using a regular ol' glue stick, adhere the monogram
to a silver platter or china serving plate.

When you're tired of the display,
just remove it by soaking it in water.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
I can't believe my baby girl is six! I am so grateful that I have her to be girly-girls with in the middle of our little testosterone-filled world! With three brothers, though, this young lady can definitely hold her own! How I love her!!! Happy Birthday, Princess!!
A wicked sinus infection has me moving a little slower than usual, so look for some fun details of the Princess' Fancy Nancy birthday party, along with some great decorating ideas next week!
And, just in case you all thought I forgot...the winner of the Crowned Heart necklace is...Amy at Beyond Normalcy! Congratulations Amy!!! Drop me an email and we'll set you up with your lovely new necklace!
Have a great weekend!
I've been going to a deep, dark place...
It's got floors like this -- EWWW!:
But really. It's only been since, maybe October, when I really got into the blogging stuff. That's what, FIVE MONTHS?
Sick, I tell you. So this is how I spend
Ipod playing NKOTB?
Next week, I start on this monster again:
I'm sceeeeered!!!
P.S. Your comments on my last post made ME all weepy. So sweet!!
P.P.S. I met one of my bloggy friends today! I can't wait to tell you about it. I also picked up an Easter/springy craft I will show you this weekend.
You Asked, I Delivered
I feel so humbled that Kari and Kjisa
are featuring this post on their
"Psst...Your Creativity is Showing" segment.
Thank you so much Ladies!!!
Several of you wonderful ladies requested a how-to of the grain sack reproduction. You asked, I delivered.
First, decide how big you want your project. Next, use any computer program to make a pattern (I use Print Shop), or draw one by hand using a permanent marker.

Using acrylic craft paint, simply paint on top of the pattern.

If these directions seem familiar to you, it's because I used a similar technique here and here.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Still Life~
Unofficial Holiday

as the crown molding.
Please tell me that I am not the only person that leaves a little something to do on a project and then forgets to go back and finish the job.
Occasionally my husband will ask, "When are we going to paint that door?" (He says "we" even though he never does the painting.) I usually respond with, "I'll get to it."
It will be called "Why Not Wednesday!"
painting that door----FINALLY!

What project have you been neglecting?
When are you going to do it?
Why Not Wednesday!
I'll start working on the tutorial
you asked for.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Skirting the Issue~
Don't Forget!!! Today is the last day to enter the drawing for the lovely crowned heart necklace.
Have a lovely Wednesday~
In this chair.
As long as I'm living,
But I know in two years, when I'm sitting and rocking my four-year-old, I will think back to when he was two, and I will have forgotten. Don't you wish you could bottle it up?
So I'll just continue my ritual, grabbing my sleeping boy, sitting in this chair, and rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.
It's Been Sacked

using burlap and paint.
I personalized it to my family.
2 parents+5 kids=No.7

Our last name has Swiss origins,
so the word "family" is spelled the Swiss way.

right on top of the old painting.
How's that for a change of scenery?
It looks much better than it did here.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Inspire-Me Tuesday~
The Princess turns 6 on Friday. So we are in the throws of creating a Fancy Nancy birthday party. Normally, being the paper-obsessed person that I favorite part of throwing a party is creating the invitations. SERIOUSLY. One of these days I'll share a few of my creations... But, while browsing in Target, I ran across these darling invitations by Anna Griffin. (The girls can wear them...)
And I did a first a for me. I purchased invitations. But seriously, folks, these little crowns are perfect for Fancy Nancy invites...I admit, I did add a little glitter glue to look like gems, but other than that...perfection.
So, just for fun, I looked up the Anna Griffin website. If you love paper...or fabric...or just eye candy...pop over. And her blog is wonderful too. Here are a couple of photos that inspired me.

Roman Shade Progress
One down, one to go. I think I now have a better understanding of why it costs so much to have custom roman shades made! It has been a time consuming project, but when I weigh the approximately 60% savings I will see by making them myself it seems (almost) worth it. The only downside of this product is that the shade is a bit difficult to raise and lower, with the folds needing adjustment to lay just right. Luckily these shades will not be closed often, so not a big deal. Next time I will consider using a continuous loop bead clutch system, which will add to the cost a bit, but worth it for windows where the shades will be opened and closed often. Another good source for drapery supplies is
The overall look of the kitchen and family room is clean lined with a limited color palette, so having this wonderful pattern on the window treatments really works. The brown and tan colors are beautiful with the flooring, cabinetry and countertops, while the pattern introduces a fun element and helps the space from getting too serious.
Next time...I hope to have the second roman shade completed and will be moving on to drapes for the patio slider as well as lighting above the kitchen nook table.
The Fill In

I'm sure you're wondering if
I plan on keeping that nice painting.
I am not.
I have other plans.
But that will be another post.
How's that for a tease?