Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Help! I need a new vacuum cleaner

Everyone... meet Bissell.

Bissell has been a good friend for so many years, I've lost count. But there comes a time when good things must come to an end. And the sooner the better this round.

My budget has never allowed for a decent vacuum so I just... suffered. To put it mildly.

Oh, I've tried some lower priced hand me downs over the years. I mean, I found a better one than I had on the curb for vacuum's sake! But the day it created my very own personal dust storm, it literally flew out the front door in one big POOF. So Bissell was put into action once again.


Oh... this one's a charmer. She howls. Yep, that's her thang. She howls so loud that I have to bang on the corner of the lid so it gapes open while it's running. That's what those amazing black distressing details are all about.

The hose comes with a detachable... duct taped end.  It's necessary to hold the end against the hose while using this unit. Pure talent to run this one, friends!

Oh gee.. I forgot to watermark this one. I hope no one pins it without asking!!! >:)

Beauty shots

You know me well enough to know at this point that I always attempt to flip a neg into a pos, yes?

Bet you never knew a tangled cord could look so... tangled. At least the grass is green.

It's pretty much customary that every beauty shot makes it's way to this little table. Hmm... needs a little colour...

There ya go. 

"A touch of turquoise garbage playing against the red edge of the duct tape offers this piece new life."

All I gotta say about this is...

I love my swiffer. This is the best vacuum system I've got right about now.

Other than a standard schmandard broom that picks up about 8.5% of the pet hair of course.

I love my swiffer.

Beauty shots

*sniff* You're so deserving.

But... it's time I get a little serious and get a real vacuum cleaner of some sort. Hardwood floors + pets = deserted western town styled tumble weed pet fluff everywhere you look.

So... HELP! What vacuum cleaner would you recommend I look at?
Giveaway on now

And the lucky duck winner of Katie's Rose Cottage Designs is...

April from Thoughtful Escapes! 

Congrats, April! Oh you will LOVE her things! I'll have Lori email you so you can swap info. :)

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