Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog to Biz ~ BIG changes (and crates) on the horizon

To date, I've avoided bringing BIG things home because I didn't have the room for them.

Also to date, I've avoided making big things for sale because I didn't have anywhere to sell them.

And then there's the fact that I've wanted to teach but didn't have the space to do it.

All that's about to change.

I may have the perfect use for a piece like this after all. The size is PERFECT.

And if it doesn't work out in my own home, I now also have an option to sell whatever I make elsewhere. Even BIG stuff.

But there's more.

I made a new friend and we're talkin' biz. There's talk of me hosting real workshops in her store. You know.. the kind of workshop where you build things with tools.

If this works out, I'll be moving another step towards my goals. To have a place to inspire and teach women how to swing tools AND make the kind of stuff they dream of making THEMSELVES. In person! In one of the most charming towns possible for this kind of thing.

The pie in the sky plan... build/learn, go for a DECADENT lunch you will not soon forget, do a little junkin' next door, talk blog talk. An all dayer workshop that would encourage women to follow their dreams through the art of new skills achieved. With rotating projects and topics. Way. Cool.

I love teaching. When I went back to school for a graphics course, I ended up teaching the class I took  because I picked up so fast, and returned back to that same college as a teacher myself, all the while running my own biz. I just had the students come to my sign shop. :)

Teaching is not foreign to me. I suppose that's why I yak so much here and always attempt to twist in some advice along the way. Teacher stuff.

But to teach what I LOVE doing? Crazy stuff!

Lots of changes on the horizon! When the time is right, it will happen. And not a moment before. So why not plan it and see what happens?

But at the very least,  the time is right to bring this big guy home and start makin' REAL BIG stuff. :) And maybe finally start that collection of BIG THINGS for sale along the way. A store apparently needs the likes of me. And I need them. Beautiful!

So... any guesses what this thing may become? :)

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