Sunday, September 18, 2011

Are you listening... for your calling?

Whenever I see a camera around someones neck, my gut instinct is to grab it and start clicking.

Photographer types understand. It isn't enough to capture something with your eyes. There's this incessant need to see what it looks like through a camera lens.

But it goes beyond a simple photo for me. I want to capture a moment, a feeling, a room like never seen  before, turning normalcy into something special and memorable.

I'm not a pro photographer. I've never even taken a class. But I do have a decent SLR that can do what I desire... once I figure out how to use it. :) But that doesn't stop me. I plow through it anyway until I land 'the shot.'

So last Sunday my son and I went to the church kickoff which included an outdoor picnic with activities. When I saw Pastor Cory walk around with a camera slung around his neck, I didn't waste a second. I offered to take that 'labour intensive task' off his hands so he was free to do his thing. :)

But get this. The borrowed camera I held in my eager hands was IDENTICAL to my own sitting at home. Can you spell "You're in your element?" 

Time stood still as I clicked to my heart's content. The only thing able to stop me was a dead battery which eventually happened. We left and I never gave what I did a 2nd thought.

This Sunday, Pastor Cory's sermon was about listening for 'that calling'.

It was pretty powerful. Yet I sat in that pew, frustrated. I've been waiting for this 'internal calling' chit chat forever. I WANT to be useful and the total bonus would be something that can work well with all on our plates. But more so... I desired my calling to be one of my passions. Yep, I wanted my calling to be special. Imagine... :)

After the service, I still didn't get any message or feeling. But I had an urge to talk to Pastor Cory not really knowing why. My son suddenly spoke up and said, "Mom! Ask him about the pictures you took!"

"Yeah, right! I forgot about that! I wanna know if I hit the mark last week!"

Turns out the photos were VERY well received. I was relieved! And further encouraged.

So it seemed natural to offer up a bit more photography time because I knew of their interest for photos during a service.

The offer was enthusiastically accepted! And then came the tricky part. Let me explain...

late service - spacious pews with some empty - no worries
early service - pews overflowing - kinda (alot) scary

And you guessed it. Photos of the early one were desired.


But know what? The sermon had me somewhat prepared. You see, you may have to step out of your comfort zone in order to accomplish what you set out to do. And this would land in that category just fine.

But I made peace with it. Another photographer will be arranged to join me so it'll take the focus off of just me. Whew! I walked out of the service feeling 10 20 years younger and wishing next Sunday was today. Bring it on! But it was only until I got home that I figured out exactly what had just transpired.

It was my turn to finally hear a small calling of my very own. Perhaps because I was ready for it.

A calling comes in different ways to different people. You may hear a voice. Or you may feel an instinct or pull towards something. But when it hits, you'll know it. You may be ignoring it and pushing it away, but it's my bet it'll come back if you don't answer it. You may also fear the calling or perhaps not understand it.

But as Pastor Cory says, a calling can be about far more than just yourself. You never know how many lives will be effected by your actions.

There's another project brewing involving the church and it too falls in line with one of my passions. And you'll be the first to hear about it if it pans out. :)

It's my hope your own calling will have something to do with the special gifts you possess. God tends to know what He's doing after all. :)

Sunday morning here I come!

Pray I don't drop my camera in fright, k? :)

Have you heard your calling?
Are you acting on it?

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