Friday, July 22, 2011

Chef styled omelette

Chef styled Omelette

What I love about omelettes is that they can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner! This is the method a chef used when we stayed at a hotel not long ago and I've done it this way ever since. Easy and delicious!

- chop up whatever you love

above: green onions, fresh tomatoes and mushrooms, deli ham, cheddar cheese

other ideas: shrimp, bacon or sausage pieces, red or green peppers, etc.

- add a bit of olive oil in fry pan

- stir fry all except eggs and cheese

- lower the heat

- pour in egg, allow to cook a bit, season as desired

- as omelet cooks, tip pan to allow pooled up egg to travel to pan surface

- allow to cook a bit longer, then sprinkle on cheese

- flip top over and slide onto plate.

Why I love it:

This is a healthy meal made with whole, fresh ingredients. It's a little like eating your salad inside your scrambled eggs.  I now look forward to the fresh crunch. I never feel tired or sluggish after having one but feel fulfilled and energized for a good long while, which rates 5 stars for me! Best thing about it: it can be customized to your own taste.


The last picture is not the same omelette I made with all those ingredients. But it is made the same way.

That 'other omelette burned while I did the photo shoot, then proceed to fall on the floor. Really.

I'm not a cook, remember? :)

p.s. I don't know how to spell omelette so I googled it. This is one of the options it dictates. That's good enough for me!

Adding this to the Healthy Recipes' Linkup!

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