I've been debating on passing on plants in the yard this summer. The weather just hasn't cooperated and I was thinking how easy it would be to NOT put the pool up and NOT plant anything that required care. Maybe this was the summer to go camping more after all...
All fine and dandy until I sat out there this afternoon and gagged at my surroundings. Weeds + no blooms = closing my eyes while getting abit of sun helped but... you know. Kinda like sitting inside your home with no cool junk.
Once a gardener always a gardener I guess.
So I got up and started 'thinking.'
It appears I collect wheelbarrows these days. I didn't even know that until now. Here.. allow me to give you a run down.
#1 wheel-less wonder
#2 cement clad crusty old beater that weights 5000 tons
#3 plastic special
#4 vintage cutie pie with fun splashy colors
So just in case you're thinking, "What an ugly wheelbarrow for a garden!", this is what it looked like last summer. (click HERE for more)
Anyway, I was struggling to weed behind that white one in the weed bed. You see, it's an old relic with no wheel.
Which makes weeding behind it extreme grunt work. Not fun. So with my vast collection of wheelbarrows, I chose another to replace this crippled one so I could wheel around a healthy one upon desire.

So before you scroll lower, let's see if you can guess which one I replaced the white one with. Was it #2, #3 or #4?
And just in the knick of time, muscle arrived! Miss S is our neighbour and I love her and her laugh and her hair. And she's wicked on film. She can't take a bad pic. Anyway, she wanted to lug this thug away for me.
You ROCK Miss S! Goodness she's cute. I want her hair. And her muscles.
Weeding now was officially a breeze!
So... which wheelbarrow did I choose anyway?
Tadaaa! Did you guess #2, the big crusty mammoth? Honestly, even I thought I may have gone abit too far this round, but bear with me here and see if I can't convince you.
Whoops! The added wheel sits uphill. This won't do.
No worries. A little digging will level this out just fine.
I was kinda getting into it at this point so I went all out and did some fresh edging with a half moon edger and clippers? Lawn sheers? Whatever.
Well now... if ithat isn't just the cutest beginning.
Those light green plants are from last year's wheelbarrow growth. They rooted into the ground from up above and I left them.
Wait, let me convince you further because you're missing out the BEST detail.
Ready? You're gonna get jealous...
I added this cute little colorful birdhouse...
... to marry it up with all the paint splotches on the wheelbarrow.
Yeah it's crusty, but it's also ART. I love it!
And the day just kept getting better. Miss S wanted to mow my lawn next.
AND she moved the trampoline to do under that too!
I never move the tramp because I can't so this was a major treat. xoxoxo Miss S!
After this feat, I got a visit from my other neighbors, R and C. (I'll ask if I can reveal them)
I had told C my dream of what I'd like to do to the front yard but couldn't due to my woa is me neck. So she talked to her hubby and I will be getting help starting this weekend!
Ouch. Will you still follow me?
So Weed Fest #2 is well under way! I've gotta ditch all the weeds and rocks before Saturday because I'm getting help with cutting newly shaped beds AND help with a new soil delivery when we're ready!
This has been a 5 year dream of mine. I'm totally amazed these plants even give me the time of day due to the extreme soil neglect.
And that long skinny boring border will be all pretty and curvy soon. :)
Which brings me back to my once upon a time veggie garden turned dirt sandbox. With new upcoming topsoil coming in, this garden may have a flying chance yet!
But it's not quite ready...
Ohhh yeah. MUCH better. This is gonna be fun. :)
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