You have all been sooo patient! Thanks so much to all that entered and sponsored! You have waited long enough.
And the winners are:
(drawn by
Draw #7 - Make Mine Beautiful - work apron choices
A must have for any DIY kinda gal. Beautiful and functional.
#5 is Barbara Jean
"Went on over and would like the flea market apron with option 3 fabric if i win."
OH MY GOSH Barbara Jean, you lucky lucky gal! You are going to LOVE this apron! The quality is second to none. Polly left nothing to chance with these aprons. The colours are as beautiful as they look in print, and they are sooo comfy! I'm going to tell you all about mine very soon. :) Congrats!
Draw #6 - The Old Post Road - hand illustrated print choices
Hand done illustrations created into prints, in beautiful brights to make you smile!
#8. Stephanie in SD said...
( no blog)
"Oh, in addition to loving Hydrangas in a Vase, I I don't have my own blog ... so nothing too terribly buzz worthy to report for the comment of the day. :)"
Congrats Stephanie! I just adore these prints and I'm most certain this one will cheer up any room you decide to put it in. Trish also does custom work, and has recently done a house portrait which is adorable. (what a neat gift!)
Draw #5 - Living Life Creatively - bird design choice
Adorable handmade fabric birds with a specialized touch to each of them.
#8. Laurie said...
"OH MY WORD - how stinkin cute! They make my heart smile! I LOVE it! The traveling tweet (map) would have to be my pick, but how do you just choose one! Thank you Donna for introducing Denise to us!
Can not wait for construction to be done so I can get creating... my creative juices are flowing. My find, well I am picking it up today.
So excited about it. Will be back later to share. - Laurie"
Congrats Laurie! The map bird is the one! And that little sweetie is adorable! Denise is currently neck deep in renos and always has a hilarious twist to her blog posts. Go check her out. :)
Draw #4 - Treasures from the Heart - shoe nest or picture choice
Victorian inspired gems that you will truly treasure in your home everyday you glance it's way.
# 15. Brenda said...
I went for a visit and have to say #1 is my favorite although it was hard to choose.
My riskiest project I have done was at my home we sold a couple of years ago. It was really small and the entrance hall was very narrow. My husband is a thin man but he need room to move because he moves so fast, so I was unable to put anything on the wall that he would bump and knock down on the way through. I bought cheap picket fence pieces and asked hubby to cut a couple of boards longer than the pickets and a curved board to top those to look like a arbor. Glued onto the wall with some sort or glue that will not let loose and added a couple of nails here and there. Painted blue sky, clouds and then flower and butterflies one stroke style around the fencing. Can you picture that. Hope so. My husband shook his head the whole time. But everyone liked it!
Congrats Brenda! You will cherish your Barbara Jean original. They are all so precious. I have a little nest of my own to prove that point. :) She makes so many nesty things in boxes, on gloves, in dishes... adorable. Enjoy your treasure!
Draw #3 - The Little Green Bean - coffee bean sack tote bag choices
Beautiful totes created from authentic coffee bean sacks, each one ultra unique.
# 14. Carolyn said...
"I think all three bags are wonderful, but I guess if I had to pick just one it would be #2 because I like the writing on both sides.
As for the window, honestly, I like it the way it is. I think a window treatment might make it look too busy. It's such a beautiful fireplace surround and mantle (love the grill) so you don't want to detract from that. I do agree that stained glass would be beautiful in that spot."
Oh man. What a wonderful one this is. I have some of Missy's items so you will really enjoy the quality she puts into her things. All of her coffee bean sack creations (pillows, stockings, tree skirts etc) are so cool. Congrats and enjoy!
Draw #2 - Jaz Creations - fractal art card choices
No other card designs exist like these! The fractal art will have you mesmerized.
# 39. Tami said...
Beautiful Digital Art...loving #1!!
Congrats Tami! I have these same cards and they are gorgeous! Christine also sells prints of her work and she even has some new work out since this draw. My all time fav is the snowy one. :) I hope you find extra special occasions for your very one of a kind cards!
Draw #1 - Creations from my Heart - pin cushion choices
The most precious tea cup inspired pin cushions you too will want even if you don't sew!
# 58. Deedee said...
"I would choose #2,,,,so very tip
if you need to step out for lunch while in the middle of painting.wrap your brush in cellophane and then tin foil...keeps it moist and ready to keep painting.
love your bathroom too..."
Oh Deedee, you lucky duck! I think these one of a kind creations are priceless. Every pincushion is so uniquely different and charming in their own right. The one in the teapot is one to check out. Enjoy this pretty little thing Deedee!
Thanks again all!
Please consider visiting these ladies' Etsy Stores. Supporting women in small business is something that knocks on my own heart. It was truly a labor of love to spotlight what they create so you too could enjoy.
As for Wednesday? Another somewhat silly yet mildly informative video. Please tell me the silly videos make you wanna go create a workshop here... (you can lie if you wish)
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