I have this here very nice woodsy armoire in the kitchen I use for my office storage. Now wouldn't the back of this unit look sweet with something different lining the inside?!?
So... which do you think I chose?
Here, let me help!
I'll give you a hint...
Heeeeeee! Dingdingding, YES! You guessed right!!! (I saw that look) My love affair with metal continues. :)
Excuse me a momento while I go cut me some rusty metal clad siding! No time for a good hair day, tie your hair
BACK for this project and go play! (a how to on cutting metal will follow soon)
And here is the result!
Honestly? It's pretty awesome when you see it in the room as a whole. Bear in mind I have a metal topped island, and metal components on the fireplace and my raw steel rod stairway spindles. The rust warms up the metal just enough and ties in the wood. It does work in the room! Would you like abit more of a tour?
A something or other grinder to hold pens and pencils...
Isn't the handle the coolest?!?
Some canning jars begging to be filled. And yeah, that's an old cookie tin in the background. I loved the texture on it and makes a cool tray in a pinch too.
A little repainted and glazed framed picture with a meaningful title at this time in my life.
Tip: To haze out a picture, place tracing paper in front of it to fog the image. It works! Two layers here. The song page is from a piano music book.
Old sewing machine drawers as extra storage. The drawers are a perfect fit for glass cup placements to store paperclips, etc.
My little eclectic sitting area with two different chairs. I ADORE the black backed one, it is huge and was a whoppin' $20. Worth it. It's a great chair.
So when I first moved in, the dining room looked like this. (ewww!)
This was the next step. Same table, minus the leaf. All else different. Much improved, but a little dry...
And today, is now a warm productive eclectic mix of whimsey! And yes, musical chairs play here too. I'm always tweaking... and you know, that table... wouldn't it look great in white with a glaze??? But then I may have to go back to...
... this pile again. Sigh... walk away. Go finish your bedroom in these tones instead... waaaalk away...
But know what's really cool? If I change my mind, I can simply unscrew the panel and have something else! I love that. If I change it out, I'll do another temporary fix again too. A change is good every so often!
So what do you think? Will my love for breaking new ground with metal scare the Christmas show attendies away screaming?!?
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