I couldn't really tell what something was...I just saw it had GREAT legs. Long, curvy, sexy legs. I slowed..but my pride got the best of me. I mean, really. Was I going to pull over, grab that thing and stuff it in my car in broad daylight? In my own neighborhood?
No way.
I totally sent my sister instead.
Ah yes, she is ten years younger and used to doing my dirty work people. When she was three I was elated that we could make a game of "Go get sissy a snack!" and "Go pick up sissy's room!" It was fab. And still is. I begged her to go grab it. By now it was raining and I was panicking. She must get it NOW!
She did it and called me cursing because it was "soooooo heavy Sarah, seriously" and babbling on about "like 50 pounds" and "you totally owe me" -- blah blah blah. I was all, "Toughen up Sister!" and "It's good for you!" and, "Go get me a snack!"
Well, I felt bad later cause this sucker was HEAVY. Like, what the bleeping bleep is in this thing?, heavy. Upon some inspection, we realized it was a very old sewing cabinet:

Next I took all the innards out of the table and she lost about 40 pounds like that. (Wouldn't that be nice?) Then I pulled out Mr. Cutie Patoot Sander. This little guy is cheap and will do just about any job in half the time as sandpaper:
Because the top sanded down so easily, I had a wild hair to stain the top instead of painting it:
I was so excited to get to the next step -- my inspiration for this was a beautiful little side table that was one of my few real furniture splurges. It is black with a very faint gold scrolly design on the front and I love it. So I gathered up my stenciling tools to recreate the look:
My shimmer/faux paint (bought it at Lowe's years ago and it has lasted FOREVER) and my glaze paint -- also has lasted forever, like a freaky long amount of time:
FREAKED OUT. I hated it. It was waaaaaay too bright. And I completely forgot about the handle that had to go back on as well. I thought I had taken a pic but I think I was freaking out too much.
I decided to paint the whole front panel black and just be done with the whole thing, so I started sanding over it. And a beautiful thing happened -- exactly what I wanted:
Well, I'll be. It was perfect. By accident.
Then I distressed the whole table just a bit. Because distressing stresses me:
Here's a really bad, dark before picture with my GORG little Goodwill side table that was just too short:
This whole project was FREE! Free trash and free Glidden paint. Say it with me... Awwwwwwwww yeah.
I want to thank Kelee for highlighting me this week over at The Katillac Shack -- if you head over to see her beautiful site, be sure to comment! You'll be entered to win this FANTASTIC headboard!!:

P.S. I am so humbled and thankful for all of your wonderful, helpful and inspiring comments and and e-mails concerning my last post. I can't thank you enough. I am SO excited!!
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